Godly System: Evolve From a Kitten

Chapter 1122: Speculation about Heavenly Court

"Ye Ruqing, is this comprehension?"

"It's worthy of being the top leader in the rankings."

"We have only comprehended a little bit of fur until now. I didn't expect Ye Wuqing to spend the same time as us, but comprehend this terrifying sword technique."

In the next moment, Chen Meisheng also burst into a terrifying breath.

Immediately after Tie Wudi, the wind is kind, it also began.

Now, those people were dull.

Is this a group comprehension?

These people see that others have gained experience, they are even more convinced that this stone wall is a great technique, and they begin to comprehend it.

But Li Zhen approached the four Xiang Yu.

Perceiving the breath of the four people, Li Zhen frowned. All four of them wanted to open up the godhead space, but why were the breaths released so different?

Xiang Yu was violent, while Chen Meisheng was ethereal, Tie Wudi's breath was thick, and as for the kindness of wind, it was sharp.

Li Zhen was taken aback. Is the space of Godhead related to the avenue that everyone majors in?

Xiang Yu majored in the Tao of Fire, which is indeed a violent road.

Chen Meisheng majored in the Tao of Wind, and it was indeed an ethereal road.

Thinking of this, Li Zhen could already conclude in his heart that the Godhead Space must be related to the Dao of their majors.

They stay here for more than twenty days.

Of course, someone saw what Xie Xiaofeng's swordsmanship really realized, and then moved on.

Li Zhenbai boringly refined the spirit pill.

At this moment, Xiang Yu opened his eyes first and stood up.

"Has the Godhead Space ever been opened?"

Li Zhen asked with a smile.


Xiang Yu nodded, then frowned again.

"what happened?"

Seeing Xiang Yu's appearance, Li Zhen was very curious.

After all, his godhead space is not the same as Xiang Yu's cultivation, so Li Zhen really wanted to know.

"Fingernails!" Xiang Yu said lightly.

Li Zhen understood Xiang Yu's words and was a little surprised.

Xiang Yu's personality space is only as big as a fingernail.

"It's okay, there may be a technique for expanding the divine space!"

Li Zhen smiled slightly.

At this moment, the three of Chen Meisheng also woke up one after another.

Everyone only heard Tie Wudi complaining: "Mad, seeing that the predecessor’s godhead space is as large as tens of thousands of kilometers, I thought we could too, but mine is only as large as a grain of rice. Take it in, not even an ant."

Everyone couldn't help laughing.

"But I feel that my avenue is more solid, and my strength has at least doubled. Now, even if I meet a great emperor, I guess I can bring it down!"

Tie Wudi said excitedly.

This is not an illusion for him, but Chen Meisheng and they all have this feeling.

This is the power of the godhead space, even though the godhead space they cultivated is still very weak, but it is enough to increase their cultivation level several times.

"You said, does the destruction of the heavenly court have something to do with their practice?"

Li Zhen said suddenly.

When a few people think about it, it's really not impossible.

The cultivation base of this race is really terrifying.

Seeing that their ordinary guards have the strength of the fairy king realm, you know.

An ordinary commander, there is a realm of Immortal King Taiyi.

Outside, the fairy king realm is already an ancestor of one party, and the immortal king Taiyi is an ancestor-level figure of all major races.

If the Heavenly Court were to go out, it would be too simple to command a world.

"Why do you think about this, let's go. No matter how powerful the Heavenly Court is, it is not destroyed. In this way, isn't the force that destroyed the Heavenly Court even more powerful!"

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