
Hearing Tie Wudi's words, Li Zhen and the others were speechless.

On the way here, the people in Tiangong were tragic, they also saw that the force that destroyed the heavens was of course terrifying.

"Let's go!"

After walking for hundreds of miles, a forest stopped in front of them.

Several people stopped and looked forward, feeling a faint oppressive force.

In front, there seems to be danger dormant.

Moreover, the remaining blood stains on the ground also confirmed this.

Several people looked at each other, and then took this step forward at the same time.

Almost the moment they stepped in, there was a sudden explosion in the void.

Xiang Yu raised his hand, the halberd shook the sky, and the terrifying aura suddenly released.


Within a hundred meters, it turned into a sea of ​​fire almost instantly.


Seeing these fires, the trees made a sound in fear.

"Hand over ten drops of life essence, then let me wait for it, and I will spare your lives!"

Xiang Yu's tone was slightly cold.


The tree demons screamed, as if saying that Li Zhen and the others were too greedy.

Xiang Yu did not speak, but the world of flames became even more terrifying.

Waving his halberd, Xiang Yu took a step forward.


At this moment, ten drops containing the essence of life floated towards them.

Before they got close, Li Zhen and the others felt that their life level had been sublimated.

This is the life essence of Taiyi Immortal King Realm!

Five people have two drops each.


An old voice came.

This time, everyone understood the words of the tree demon, and they were asked to swallow it immediately, otherwise the effect would be lost.

Li Zhen smiled faintly, and then gave the other four people a look.

Xiang Yu and others were aware, and did not take it, but surrounded Li Zhen on alert.

Li Zhen is a god-level alchemist and can detect whether these life essences are poisonous.

Li Zhen swallowed it in one bite.

"Ding, you eat a drop of life essence, evolution point +500 million, power 5 dragons, mental power +5 s, (world +1 cubic meter), spree*10."

"Ding, if the host is detected to be poisoned, it will automatically detoxify the host with an evolution point of -20 million."

Li Zhen sneered coldly when he heard the prompt sound from the system. The tree demon was really not at ease.

However, does this trick work for him?

Li Zhen sat cross-legged, the alchemist suddenly appeared, suspended in the void, Li Zhen threw the elixir in, and then signaled Xiang Yu and others to throw them in.

Xiang Yu and the others didn't hesitate at all, they all threw the essence of life into the pill furnace.


The dryad was angry.

"court death!"

Seeing Li Zhen's appearance, why doesn't Xiang Yu know that there is something wrong with these life essences?

In the center of his eyebrows, a dazzling and hot flame world suddenly appeared, and almost instantly, it turned into a sea of ​​fire.

The dryads suddenly screamed in horror.

Although the cultivation base of these tree monsters is powerful, their biggest flaw is that they cannot be transformed, and they cannot escape the **** of the ground.

At this moment, this **** became the fatal flaw of these tree monsters.

At this moment, a strange pill fragrance came from the void, almost instantly covering within a hundred miles.

A violent force suddenly lifted Li Zhen's alchemy furnace.


There was a panic cry, and dozens of Guanghua flew away.

"Where to run!"

Li Zhen reached out with his big hand and collected these god-level spirit pills into the jade bottle.


At this moment, Jie Lei fell down.

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