Godly System: Evolve From a Kitten

Chapter 1128: Tempering the godhead

Looking at the overwhelming momentum, some people's faces changed drastically.

Seeing this scene, Yun Qianshan and Tao Ming showed playfulness in their eyes.

The coercion from the stone statue is proportional to the cultivation level of the intruder. The stronger the cultivation level, the more terrifying the slight pressure from the stone statue.

Xiang Yu's ability to stay at the top of the rankings has already proved the horror of his cultivation.

Here, the stronger the cultivation base, the lower the benefits may be.

Feeling the pressure, Xiang Yu's expression did not change, and he walked three steps forward.

"It's worthy of being the top leader in the rankings. These three steps are so easy, as if you haven't encountered any pressure."

One person saw Xiang Yu's appearance, envied.

He has walked three times, but each time he stopped at the third step. Even so, he still got enough benefits.

Now he has at least doubled his cultivation base compared to when he first came here.

"So what? The stronger the cultivation base, the less benefits he will get. This has become the law. Ye Ruqing's cultivation base is so terrifying, and he is doomed to get limited benefits here."

The other person retorted.

When he said this, everyone around him immediately agreed.

"Broken Eyes!"

Li Zhen looked forward, and after a while, he secretly said in his heart: "This road is really the road to tempering the heavenly palace. The previous level is to teach people how to condense the godhead, and this level helps people condense the godhead space."

"The pressure from these stone statues is to help people condense the divine space more solidly."

Unexpectedly, these people were instead used to help temper their avenues.

It is true that the cultivation base has been improved, but it is destined to be insignificant compared with the benefits that Li Zhen's five people have received.

After that, Xiang Yu took another dozen steps forward, his halberd shook the sky, and a world of flames suddenly appeared, surrounding him and walking forward.

Seeing Xiang Yu resisting with the power of the world, Li Zhen nodded. It seems that Xiang Yu has already seen the effect of this level.

Seeing Xiang Yu like this, Chen Meisheng was taken aback for a moment, and then their eyes were full of eagerness to look at this place.

Yun Qianshan and Tao Ming glanced at Chen Meisheng and the others, the corners of their mouths were slightly raised, and their eyes were full of jokes. Only by stepping on this trail can you understand how terrifying this trail is.

The flame world enveloped Xiang Yu's body and turned into a strong defensive force. The coercion that he wanted to exude became even more terrifying and violent. It turned into a terrifying storm and swept toward Xiang Yu, seeming to want to destroy everything.


The violent power bombarded Xiang Yu's flame world, and the flame world on Xiang Yu's body was instantly wiped out. The terrifying power made Xiang Yu's body shake, as if he was about to be blasted out of this trail.

The joking in Yun Qianshan and others' eyes was even more undisguised, and even someone nearby laughed.

Not only did Xiang Yu show no frustration, but he was excited.


The terrifying flame enveloped him again, and Xiang Yu walked forward.

At first, Yun Qianshan and the others could still laugh, but when they saw Xiang Yu stepping forward for more than 30 steps, their faces changed, and strange lights flashed in their eyes.

When Xiang Yu walked forward fifty steps, the eyes of these people had turned into horror.

They can feel the coercion that Xiang Yu's body exudes, even if they are far apart, it is still terrifying.

At this moment, Xiang Yu turned and walked backward.

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