Godly System: Evolve From a Kitten

Chapter 1129: Yunqianshan, die


Xiang Yu nodded to Li Zhen and said.

After speaking, sat down cross-legged.

So far, Xiang Yu is the first person to come back by himself, and the others have been blew back by coercion.

"Li Zhen, Ye Ruqing has tried it all, don't you try?"

At this time, Yun Qianshan's voice came.

"You seem to want to die!"

Li Zhen looked at Yun Qianshan faintly, and said with a slight smile.

"Oh, you want to kill me?"

When Yun Qianshan heard this, instead of feeling panic, he showed a fanatical expression.


With a crisp sound, a figure flew out backwards.

That was Li Zhen slapped Yun Qianshan away and flew into the trail.

"Li Zhen, you..."

At this moment, a terrifying coercion suddenly fell, Yun Qianshan had no choice but to sit cross-legged on the spot, urging the power of the avenue to resist the coercion from the stone statue.

At the same time, everyone's gaze at Li Zhen changed.

At the moment when Li Zhen shot, a terrifying force of heaven and earth suddenly came towards Li Zhen.

"Li Zhen, this is the price you owe, die! Kill him!"

Yun Qianshan turned around and stared at Li Zhen coldly. He smiled when he saw the crushing power of heaven and earth. He smiled very exaggeratedly, as if he had seen Li Zhen crushed into blood mist. Scenes.

Feeling this terrifying coercion, the eyes of those around them changed, and everyone suddenly became scattered.

They had felt this kind of pressure before, this kind of terrifying power, almost comparable to the peak of the Taiyi Immortal King. In this secret realm, no one could resist it. This time, Li Zhen would die.

Many Tianjiao figures surrounded Li Zhen one after another, seeming to be blocking Li Zhen's possible whereabouts, trying to imprison Li Zhen there, waiting for the power of heaven and earth to kill him.

At this moment, Li Zhen really seems to have no way to escape.

The faces of Yun Qianshan and Tao Ming showed hideous smiles.

At this moment, Li Zhen smiled.

Seeing Li Zhen's smile, everyone felt inexplicable. This is a mortal situation. How could he still laugh?

next moment.

Li Zhen suddenly turned and walked into the trail.

Seeing Li Zhen's actions, Yun Qianshan became angry and frightened!

this is……

Li Zhen expected that he would die, so he had to pull him before he died.

"Li Zhen, dare you!"

Yun Qianshan roared furiously, this trail can only accommodate one person. Once two people step on the stone statue at the same time, the pressure will increase three times, and it will even keep increasing until one of them is crushed to death. .

However, aware of this terrifying coercion, everyone has already understood that Yun Qianshan is dead this time.

However, the moment Li Zhen stepped on the trail, the power of the strangulation dissipated.

But everyone didn't care. Without the power of heaven and earth, Li Zhen would still die.

There was a fluke in Tao Ming's eyes. Fortunately, he provoked Li Zhen, not as crazy as Yun Qianshan, otherwise, he would be the one who died with Li Zhen now.


Unsurprisingly, the terrifying power of heaven and earth crushed Yun Qianshan into powder almost instantly.

The violent power of the Great Dao suddenly poured out. Seeing this scene, the eyes of the people around were different, and some people were pitying. I didn’t expect Yun Qianshan to die so unjustly. In order to be quick, even his own life was caught Up.

"Oh, Brother Yun is so magnificent, in order to promote my power in the immortal world, he actually fed a tiger with his body." Tao Ming said pretentiously.

"What? You want to be like Yun Qianshan too?"

At this moment, a voice came coldly...

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