Li Zhen frowned, no wonder he hadn't seen the barren people in the barren world after coming in.

It turns out that those deserted people have been walking in front of them.


These deserted people are their enemies after all, they must have a special purpose for entering this ruin.

Regardless of their purpose, they must never be allowed to succeed.

No longer caring about Tian Gu Yun and them, Li Zhen walked forward.


Looking at the overwhelming Yin Soldiers, everyone bitterly, looking at Tian Gu Yun, this servant helped those ridiculous people invisibly.

These Yin soldiers are like a terrible army.

They have strict discipline, kill people when they see them, and never procrastinate.

Just when Li Zhen and the others decided to go, in the center of the Yin Soldiers, a majestic figure looked towards Li Zhen and the others coldly.

This person was wearing a violent armor. Although he stood there without speaking, he released a heroic temperament.

"How many years have passed, someone came to die again!"

Hearing this voice, Li Zhen's pupils shrank suddenly.

This Yin Soldier could even speak.

Li Zhen stared at the figure, looking from a distance, that Yin Soldier was like an ancient general.

This Yin Soldier was definitely not what those who entered the trial became after their deaths, but more like the generals of the Tianyu Dynasty. After the death, their will is immortal, and they stayed in another form to continue to defend their royal court. .


I saw the Yin Soldier speak, his voice seemed to contain a certain rhythm, and when the voice fell, those Yin Soldiers immediately released a more terrifying aura, trying to wipe out all those who came in for the trial.

"Tian Gu Yun, quickly call out that old bastard, this old **** is definitely on purpose!"

Deliberately provoke the struggle between these trialers.

Deliberately let these people in the ancient holy land walk to the opposite of everyone.

It made Tian Gu Yun these people desperate, and then at this moment, he encouraged Tian Gu Yun to recite the mantra.

All of this must be planned in advance.

After Li Zhen finished speaking, he took a step forward and hit the ground with a fist.

In an instant, it was as if an earthquake had occurred, and the earth shook wildly, and trenches and rift valleys appeared, and the Yin soldiers who had rushed over fell into it.

Xiang Yu took a step forward and waved the spear in his hand. The spear shook the sky, and the lines of flames covered his cheeks.

A terrifying world of flames enveloped those Yin soldiers, and those Yin soldiers were completely wiped out in the flame world before they could react.

However, there are too many Yin soldiers, and they are not afraid of death at all, and the mighty army still keeps killing Li Zhen and the others.

All of them showed their magical powers, fighting forward desperately.

Tian Gu Yun's complexion became extremely ugly, because the people in their Heavenly Ancient Holy Land were isolated by everyone.

These people are ignoring their lives and deaths, and seem to be waiting for the death of all the disciples in the ancient holy land, and then come to **** the peerless magic weapon in his hands.

Tian Gu Yun hated the golden mace in her hand at this time, but was reluctant to discard it.

Perhaps the spirit of the golden mace had spotted this point, so it set up this strategy.

Seeing that the Yin Soldier army was continuously beheaded, the general couldn't sit still, and stepped out, suddenly an extremely terrifying aura spread from him.

The general tore through the void and walked directly in front of Tian Gu Yun and the others. The terrifying aura instantly caused all the people in Tian Gu Holy Land to sit on the ground.

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