Godly System: Evolve From a Kitten

Chapter 1167: Tianyu Dynasty National Division

"Return my weapons to me!"

The general looked at Tian Gu Yun coldly and stretched out his hand.

Tian Gu Yun suddenly felt the golden mace in her hand tremble, and the golden mace seemed to be responding to the call of the general and wanted to get rid of it.

Everyone was shocked, this golden mace turned out to belong to this general.

But what followed was immense fear.

Without the golden mace, the aura on his body is already so powerful. If a sharp weapon is in hand, the general's aura will surely rise to a desperate level.

"Control the golden mace, don't give it to him...Made, Tian Gu Yun, you are just a waste!"

Upon seeing this, Yu Jinze and the others shouted to Tian Gu Yun, but the golden mace in Tian Gu Yun's hand was already in the hands of the general.

Sure enough, the general with the golden mace, ignoring everything, the terrifying aura almost oppressed everyone with ugly faces.

This momentum seems to be able to destroy all existence, and the surrounding world seems to be shocked by him, extremely violent and terrifying.

The general took a step forward, the golden mace in his hand slammed a blow, and suddenly, a sword intent swept through everything.

Under this sword intent, everyone's attack collapsed instantly.

Some people did not have any resistance at all, and were torn to pieces by this sword intent almost instantly, turning into nothingness.

The middle stage of Taiyi Immortal King!

Feeling this sword intent, everyone felt desperate.

This is an unattainable state.

Li Zhen's eyes flashed, the cultivation level of this great general was indeed amazing. He must have been a giant in the army before his death. After he returned after death, even if his realm fell, he still retained the cultivation level of Immortal King Taiyi.

"Zhou Tian's star battle!"

With a wave of Li Zhen's hand, the three hundred and sixty-five-stroke star streamers instantly formed an array, and endless auras converged on the star streamers.

The next moment, the general's cultivation level fell!


Li Zhen also received a terrifying backlash.

"Ding, the host has been detected to be injured, and it has automatically recovered for you. The evolution point is -50 million!"

Everyone felt it in an instant, and their gazes at Li Zhen became a little jealous.

By this time, these people were still like this, and Li Zhen almost spit out blood again.

"If you don't do it quickly, I can only suppress him for five minutes!"

Are these people waste?

At this time, everyone should be helping each other from the same continent. If there is any disagreement, they might not even know how to die.


Yu Jinze and the others didn't dare to hesitate. For five minutes, even though the general's cultivation base had fallen to the early days of the Taiyi Immortal King, for them, it was still a high mountain.

The general snorted coldly and took a step forward, turning himself into an afterimage, so fast that he couldn't catch a trace.

"Protect Li Zhen!"

Xiang Yu roared.

Tian Gu Yun, Yu Jinze and others did not dare to hesitate. At this time, if Li Zhen died, they would not be able to run away!

They had already seen how these heroic armies appeared, and it must have something to do with this great general.

At this moment, the old man in the golden mace appeared again.

Looked at everyone jokingly.

"Old immortal!"

Li Zhen bombarded away with a blow to the ghost curse.


The void exploded, and the old man hid aside, his eyes even more playful.

"You invaders are more than guilty! As the national teacher of the Tianyu Dynasty, how can you let you be so arrogant in my court."

National Division!

Li Zhen's eyes narrowed.

No wonder!

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