Godly System: Evolve From a Kitten

Chapter 1282: Alarm the whole Danta

"The ninth scale is definitely the only genius for thousands of years. If the tower master knows about it, I am afraid I will be shocked to sleep!"

The martial arts master was full of excitement and strode out.

Li Zhen frowned.

Madder did not explain whether his assessment passed or failed.

Seeing so many people looking at him outside the door, Li Zhen smiled at them slightly.

Jiang Yuchen and the others looked embarrassed, their smiles stiff.

Not long, a group of people came here mightily.

"All scattered, the tower master is coming!" Looking at the people in front of him, the Martial God Master scolded.

"Tower Master!"

After those people heard it, they quickly stepped aside.

Li Zhen heard the sound and looked out the door.

I saw a mighty walk, at least a hundred people.

The headed person is wearing a golden alchemist robe, embroidered with nine tripods on his chest, and embroidered Danta logo on his shoulders.

This person is wearing a lun towel and a pair of glasses on his nose.

Li Zhen was taken aback. It was more than a year since he came to this world. It was the first time he saw a warrior wearing glasses.

Behind that person was a group of old men wearing purple alchemist robes.

In front of those people, there were at least six tripods embroidered.

Jiang Yuchen looked at these people with excitement on his face.

These people, pick one out at random, and they are all famous people in this huge Eastern Wilderness. I didn't expect these people to be dispatched for one Li Zhen now.

"Master Li, this is the tower master!"

Facing Li Zhen, the Martial God Master said very politely.

"Okay, Wubutong, get out quickly and let me test this little friend myself!"

As soon as the words of the Martial God Master were finished, one of the crowd said impatiently.

Hearing this, the Martial God Master didn't dare to stay in the slightest, and immediately walked out.

Jiang Yuchen and others were also driven out.

A group of people fixed their eyes on Li Zhen's body.

"Li Zhen met all seniors!"

Faced with this group of people, Li Zhensi did not panic and performed the etiquette of an alchemist.

"Come on, little friend, put your hands up again, let me take a look!"

The previous Eight-Star God Alchemist who rebuked the Martial God Master, said with a smile.


Hearing this person's words, Li Zhen didn't dare to neglect, and quickly put his hands up.

At the moment Li Zhen's hand was put on it, the inspection stone shone brightly.

Those alchemists involuntarily held their breath, and muttered, "The first scale, the second scale... the ninth scale!"

"Made, it's against the sky, it's really the ninth scale!"

The carefree Eight-Star God-level alchemist exclaimed.

"Boy, let me first let Lao Tzu check it out. Isn't it the problem with this check stone?"

The ninth scale, is it still human?

Li Zhen's mental power has not reached its peak, and they can detect it vaguely.

This hasn't reached the peak, it has reached the ninth mark, just as the martial artist said, if it reaches the peak, can this test stone be crushed.

The Eight-Star God-level alchemist put his hand up, and all the god-level alchemists waited with bated breath.

Soon, the boulder gleamed and stopped on the eighth scale.

"Hey, there is nothing wrong with the inspection stone! Mad, we really have encountered a little evildoer!"

Yelled the eight-star god-level alchemist with a loud voice.

The rest of them all looked at Li Zhen eagerly.

"Little friend, do you have a teacher?"

When the tower master asked this sentence, the eyes of the other alchemists became more heated, and their breathing was a little short.

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