Godly System: Evolve From a Kitten

Chapter 1283: do not know

Li Zhen stared at these people blankly. Is this the rhythm of accepting disciples?

Li Zhen is a bit speechless, he has a system, are these people qualified to be his teachers?

"Yes, my teacher is Zhao Zhen, a holy alchemist!"

As soon as Li Zhen's voice fell, the eyes of those people were almost staring, and their chins almost fell to the ground.

Holy grade alchemist, what realm is this? Could it be that after the god-level alchemist broke through?

The gazes of all alchemists became bright. When they heard that Li Zhen had a master, the eyes of these people were full of disappointment.

But after hearing that Li Zhen's master was a holy alchemist, these people suddenly felt that Li Zhen had opened up another world for them.

"Li Xiaoyou, where is Master Ling? Can you let me wait for the meeting?"

For tens of thousands of years, these people have always thought that they are the top alchemists in this world.

Moreover, their alchemy has indeed reached a bottleneck, and they can no longer improve.

Now there is a person who is much stronger than them. These people suddenly seem to have seen the light, and can't wait to come and pay a visit.

"Sorry everyone, I haven't seen the teacher for a long time. The teacher has always liked to travel around. My brother, Dan Wang Hou Wending of Dongfeng City Baicaotang also knows about this."

Li Zhen said lightly.

"Dongfeng City Baicaotang, Hou Wending's junior brother, you are Li Zhen, that Dandi?"

An alchemist asked in surprise.

"Didn't we send someone to test you?"

"When they passed by, I was traveling abroad and didn't meet them, so I came here to participate in the assessment!"

Hearing these people's questions, Li Zhen replied.

"Oh I got it!"

"Then, let's assess the knowledge of alchemy next!"

At the mention of this, everyone's expressions became excited again.

Li Zhen has no doubt about him. You said politely: "Please!"

"The first question, what kind of elixir are needed to refine Qingming Shendan?"

Li Zhen said it without even thinking about it.

Those people nodded, indicating that Li Zhen answered correctly.

"Question 2, what should I pay attention to when refining Qingming Shendan?"


Li Zhen was depressed, these people really got him tested.

Because he has never encountered any problems in alchemy.

But these people had already asked, and he couldn't help answering, so he had to bite the bullet and asked, "Fryer?"

Those people wanted to nod their heads when they heard Li Zhen's answer, but after they heard it clearly, they were completely dull.

These questions are simply sub-questions for them.

Because these problems are some common knowledge of alchemy, in fact, the first level is the most important in assessing the qualifications of a god-level alchemist.

As long as the mental power reaches the second level, it is simply a sub-question.

Originally, these people wanted to ask a few questions at random, so they took Li Zhen to assess the title. Unexpectedly, Li Zhen answered the second question incorrectly.

"That... Li Xiaoyou, think about it again! For example, Qingming grass and Fudan grass are added in a ratio of a few to a few, and there are some, you think about it!"

The alchemist who asked the question gave some embarrassing hints.

Li Zhen was depressed. When he was refining alchemy, he had never encountered this kind of problem at all. He threw it in and urged the alchemy, and the spirit pill was naturally refined. There was no need to think about these messy problems.

"do not know!"

Li Zhen was very straightforward and replied directly.

Everyone: "..."

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