Godly System: Evolve From a Kitten

Chapter 1340: You should move too

Li Zhen looked at those people, with murderous intent pouring out of his eyes.

These people have no hatred with him, but these people want to deal with Danta, and at this moment, he is undoubtedly labeled as Danta.

Not only him, I am afraid that the little fat man Li Pu has also been missed.

"court death!"

Those people were ransacked by Li Zhen repeatedly, and their faces were really uncontrollable, and they rushed to Li Zhen.

At the same time, they paid attention to the people who had passed on to him, and saw that those people showed a knowing smile at them, showing a posture of going forward.

These people are relieved, their eyes are full of hideous colors.

Seeing these people, the sneer in Li Zhen's eyes could not hide.

A group of idiots have been taken advantage of and still can't tell.

In this case……

Li Zhen faintly glanced at these dozen people, then let them go on the road.

Taking a step forward, his body suddenly turned into lightning.

When those people saw Li Zhen's shadow disappear, there was a panic in their hearts.

Subconsciously looked at the people who spoke to them, but they were dumbfounded.

Those people didn't move, their gazes changed!


They were pitted!

At this moment, they suddenly recovered.

But it's too late!


A sword sounded.

Several people's heads fell off.

"Spare! Don't kill me, the head of Zhengyang Sect encouraged us to do it! We are innocent!"


This person's words were finished, but Li Zhen's head was also beaten to pieces!

"I know, but this doesn't change much, because you really deserve to die!"

A group of trash dared to be so arrogant in front of Danta. In front of other forces, they still don’t know what they will be like. These people secretly don’t know how many people have offended them, and they actually think that those people will save them. The brain is so stupid.

Those people wish someone would kill them!

Who will save them?

The ridiculous thing is that these people simply can't think of this, it's really sad to the extreme.

They never thought that someone would use their lives as a move.

Li Zhen left the person aside and looked at those people at Zhengyang Gate jokingly.

"Now, they, I killed, shouldn't you move too?"

Those people who saw that Li Zhen killed the people in the Eastern Desolation Mansion were so arrogant, their eyes narrowed slightly, and their hearts were full of anger, but they were still abruptly suppressed.

He forced a smile on his face and looked at Li Zhen: "Li Xiaoyou is really a man of temperament, but I don't know if you are acting like yourself or representing Danta?"

These people said, looking at the tower master: "Tower master, this question should be asked of you? Is Li Zhen's behavior his own behavior, or is it your Danta's instruction?"

These people looked at the tower master jokingly, waiting for the tower master's answer.

Not only them, at this moment, everyone seems to be waiting for the answer from the tower master.

Jiang Yuchen was already excited and about to faint.


Li Zhen was so arrogant that he killed all the people in the Eastern Desolation Mansion and offended the leaders of so many forces at once.

These people are all powerhouses in the Daluo Immortal King realm, and there is no lack of Hunyuan Daluo Immortal King behind them. If they hadn't had this kind of background behind these forces, they would not dare to fight against Danta.

Li Zhen has offended these people so arrogantly, now, I don't know how he would die!

Although this matter was provoked by their Jiang family, at this moment, I'm afraid no one will remember this. Everyone's eyes are lost by the conflict between these forces and Danta.

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