Godly System: Evolve From a Kitten

Chapter 1341: Danta declares war

"it is good!"

Jiang Yuchen met Li Zhen's gaze playfully.



This is all right, no one can save you!

This is your own death!

At this moment, Jiang Yuchen's heart made a sudden thud.

Because Li Zhen looked at him again, and Li Zhen smiled.

This time, he felt the pressure brought by Li Zhen's smile.

After Jiang Yuchen noticed it, he straightened his body and looked back at Li Zhen angrily. He wanted to prove to the world that Jiang Yuchen would not be afraid of Li Zhen.

At the next breath, Jiang Yuchen was terrified, because Li Zhen's figure disappeared in front of him.

The anxiety in my heart grew stronger and stronger.

At this moment, a shadow suddenly appeared in front of him.

Jiang Yuchen didn't even think about it, turned around and wanted to tear the void and leave here.

Li Zhen really dared to kill him!

He understood that Li Zhen was a reckless man.

It is too inappropriate for him to be angry with a reckless man.

Thinking of this, he wanted to leave. Since Li Zhen was already destined to die, he didn't need to take his own life.

Although he looked down on Li Zhen, he still knew Li Zhen's combat power very well.

However, he was scared.

Because he found that the void around him was imprisoned!

Jiang Yuchen just watched Li Zhen walk up to him.

This time, neither the people from Danta nor the people from the other side spoke for him.

He wanted to speak for help, but he couldn't speak.

Just watched Li Zhen gently stretched out his hand, and then he felt his neck choked.

Suddenly, he felt like he was being picked up.

Then there was a great pain in his head, and he lost his perception of this world forever.

Li Zhen killed Jiang Yuchen upside down in the Dan Pagoda, and then looked at the people of those forces.

Danta's people looked at Li Zhen's eyes changed.



Various emotions are mixed together.

"Okay, now we're done with the choppy."

As Li Zhen said, he raised his head to look at those people, "What about you, do you do it, or a bastard!"

The intention of these people was not Li Zhen at all, and they ignored Li Zhen at all, staring straight at the tower master.

The tower master stood up.

Smiling at those people.

"Tower Master, this is myself..."

Li Zhen wanted to speak, but was stopped by the tower owner with a wave of his hand: "Li Xiaoyou, no matter how you explain it, you are now hung up with the Danta logo, and you can’t get rid of it. These people’s goals are not you, strictly. Speaking of which, you are tired of my Danta."

The tower master said and looked at those people, and then said: "The answer you want, I will give you!"

"From now on, the Eastern Desolation Mansion will be my mortal enemy of Qilin City, unless the Eastern Desolation Mansion comes forward to explain the affairs of these dozen people!"

"A few great emperors, the immortal king dared to provoke the nine-star god-level alchemist of my Dan Pagoda. Is the Eastern Desolation Mansion really without my Dan Pagoda?"

The tower master's words were loud, and after he finished speaking, the entire Qilin City fell into a dead silence.

"Yes, Eastern Desolation Mansion, do you really regard yourself as the master of the Eastern Emperor Realm?"

"What? Come here for a few hours and dare to do something with the star alchemist of my Danta. If Palace Master Donghuang doesn't give me a reasonable explanation for the Danta, Donghuang Palace will never want to get one from the Danta in the future. Spirit pill."

The words of the tower master instantly ignited the passion of those alchemists in Danta, clamoring for sanctions against the Eastern Desolation Mansion one by one.

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