Godly System: Evolve From a Kitten

Chapter 1367: Hun Yuan Da Luo


After Li Zhen finished speaking, he heard two swallowing sounds.

The two people looked at Li Zhen in disbelief.

And Li Pu is already sluggish!

"Li Xiaoyou, seriously?"

Hearing this, one of the people in the Hall of Souls was bullied, and his eyes became crimson. Obviously, he understood how important a holy alchemist was to Hall of Souls.

Although their Hall of Souls is powerful, the side effects of this technique are also huge.

Although there is a good fit between them and the evocation, no matter how good they fit together, the harm to their souls is inevitable.

Not only that, but the damage to their vitality is also hard to ignore.

The old man of the temple master once said that it is impossible for ordinary god-level alchemists to help them solve this problem, even nine-star god-level alchemists may not necessarily do it, only holy alchemists may be able to.

But the holy alchemist, the cultivation world hasn't seen one in a hundred years.

Now Li Zhen actually claims that he is a saint-level alchemist. If someone else said, they would definitely think that they were lying, but this person is Li Zhen, he is the only person who has rushed to the tower for tens of thousands of years and seemed to drink cold water .

Although Li Zhen only reached the 61st floor, anyone who had seen Li Zhen rush to the tower could tell that Li Zhen did not try his best.

The sixtieth floor is not the limit of Li Zhen. They have long guessed that Li Zhen is a holy alchemist, or that Li Zhen is the person most likely to become a holy alchemist. Now that they have heard him personally admit it, they are naturally convinced. No doubt.


At this moment, a power that would destroy the world suddenly appeared.

Li Zhen hurriedly looked into the void. It was a hand, a very old hand. Li Zhen could even find age spots on his arm.

But the moment this hand appeared, the Zhou Tianxing formation, which was difficult to break by the two great Luo Immortal Kings, was like a bubble, and was broken by a light touch.

"Hun Yuan Da Luo!"

There was a thud in Li Zhen's heart.

Then he reacted immediately, and his boasted boast.

Moreover, he underestimated the importance of a saint-level alchemist to one force.

This Hunyuan Daluo actually took the risk of offending Dan Ta and wanted to capture Li Zhen away.

At the moment when this hand appeared, Zhu Yunqi, Yun Lao and Li Tai knelt on the ground with a "puff", without even the slightest resistance.

All people were horrified, and this person must be Hun Yuan Da Luo.

The faces of everyone who figured this out were unwilling and desperate.

Faced with a few big Luo, they fight, maybe there is still the possibility of escape, but facing a strongest person in the realm of cultivation, how can they run?

This hand was aimed at Li Zhen and Li Pu at the same time.

At this moment, this hand covers the world!

The speed is obviously very slow, but Li Zhen and Li Pu are inevitable.

Not only that, but this hand gave them a feeling that this hand wanted to kill them, but it was just a matter of turning over.

Li Zhen cursed in his heart, Mad, no wonder the system would give him such a high reward.

However, this also has to lead!

Facing a Hunyuan Daluo, even Li Zhen's ninth-level fifth-layer is of no avail!

"Boy, don't resist, come with me, the old man will give you a wealth!"

A voice came from afar, as if separated by an endless void.

"Old tower master, why don't you come out yet! If you don't come out, I will be taken away!"

Li Zhen shouted loudly, and at the same time Void Escape was activated.

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