The void escape technique is worthy of being the first escape technique in the world.

The moment he called out the old tower master, this Hunyuan Daluo lost his mind. Taking advantage of this gap, Li Zhen immediately used the void escape technique and immediately escaped from that person's palm.

But before Li Zhen was excited, he was stunned to find that the hand holding him was still there, as if it hadn't been released just now.

Zhang Xuan knew that the scene just now must not have been his illusion. It was just that the Hunyuan Daluo powerhouse was really terrifying, and the speed exceeded the limit that Li Zhen could understand.

Not only that, but the other party has a deep understanding of space and time, and it is not comparable to Li Zhen.

"Old ghost Duan's name still can't scare me!"

A joking voice came over, and Li Zhen and Li Pu were caught in by a big hand.

Li Zhen was speechless, how could this task be completed, let him hold on for ten minutes under the hands of a Hun Yuan Da Luo?

Is this a joke?


"Hehe, my Duan Yushan's reputation is not well-known, naturally I can't help you!"

At this moment, a big hand suddenly stretched out, a palm split, and the big hand that grabbed Li Zhen collapsed.

Old Duan is here!

Hearing this familiar voice, Li Zhen almost ran over to the old man. He came too in time, and he was probably arrested a little bit later.

"Bring Li Zhen to see me!"

Seeing that Duan Lao was coming, the old man knew that it was impossible for him to take Li Zhen with his own hands, so he had to arrange it for his subordinates.

"Boy, I didn't expect you to discover the trail of the Hall of Souls. This is a great achievement. I'll go and see what kind of undead degenerate this old ghost is!"

With that, there was no movement, as if it had never appeared before.

"Lao Duan, kill these two bastards!"

Li Zhen pointed at the two Daluo Immortal Kings and shouted.

But just let it go, but when Li Zhen finished shouting, he didn't get the slightest response.

Li Zhen is depressed!

His mental strength is injured!

He just faced Hun Yuan Da Luo!

The other party wanted to search for his soul, although Li Zhen's mental power resisted and returned, but his mental power was too different from the other's mental power, and he was still injured.

It has not fully recovered yet.

His mental strength has not been fully recovered, and wanting him to fight the two Immortal Kings of Da Luo, isn't it killing him?

He is just a Taiyi Immortal King!

With a wave of his hand, he didn't care about revealing the world of Godhead, and with a wave of his hand, everyone in Qianyuanshan was taken in, and then he stepped forward, disappearing in front of everyone.

The two immortal kings of Luo were about to make a move, seeing this scene, instantly sluggish.

After reacting, their expressions changed slightly. They couldn't understand why Li Zhen could make people disappear.


Li Zhen wanted to leave here, but he had just escaped and was suddenly knocked back by a terrifying space barrier.

The terrifying impact almost made him faint.

Li Zhen was slanderous, Duan Lao came, only to startled the Hunyuan Daluo, and did nothing else.


When Li Zhen hit the wall again, he finally learned that he was trapped in a 1000*1000*1000 space by that Hun Yuan Da Luo.

The space barrier is very strong, even if Li Zhen practiced the world's first escape technique, void escape technique, he still couldn't escape.

"Hahaha, kid, give up!"

"Today, no one can save you!"

The two people looked at Li Zhen sarcastically, and outflanked them.

Li Zhen gritted his teeth while looking at the two big Luo who rushed over.


"Lei Ying clone!"

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