Godly System: Evolve From a Kitten

Chapter 1377: Upheaval in the Godhead

Fortunately, there is no living life in this world, otherwise this moment would have been eliminated by this world long ago.

"What's wrong?"

The squally wind roared in the sea, the land was submerged, and then reappeared, some places uplifted and turned into mountains due to the violent movement of the crust.

But as soon as the mountain was formed, it was annihilated by the power of this world.

Li Zhen frowned. At this moment, he felt that his control over the world was so weak.

Li Zhen sat down cross-legged, and gradually strengthened his control over the various avenues.

Gradually, the world became calmer.

But that apocalyptic scene made Li Zhen frown.

If this is not possible, if he is in a fight, his world will give him a shit, what will he do at that time? Waiting to die?

Li Zhen came out of the world of the godhead and specifically called out Zhu Yun.

Seeing the place where Zhu Yunxuan walked, there was no thunder, Li Zhen was speechless, looking at Nezha depressed, can he do more clearly?

Isn’t it just asking more questions? Is it worth your revenge?

"Brother Nezha said, you have to suffer from lightning for ninety-nine and eighty-one days before you can!"

Seeing Li Zhen's depressed look, Zhu Yunqi was obviously in a good mood, and said with a smile.

Li Zhen looked at Zhu Yunshou speechlessly, saying in his heart, it's over, what a good kid before, now he knows to make fun of others.

However, Li Zhen felt very resentful that he himself became the first person Zhu Yunxi made fun of.

"It's okay? It's okay, I'm going back! Nezha's big brother called me to play mahjong! Three missing one, they called me!"

Seeing Li Zhen looking at him straightforwardly, Zhu Yunzhen immediately guessed what Li Zhen was thinking, and couldn't help but said angrily.

Seeing Zhu Yunzhen really turned around to leave, Li Zhen was depressed and speechless!

"Brother Yun炆, don't go! Business, I want you to have business!"

Li Zhen hurriedly called Zhu Yunqi, and then told him the doubts in his heart and the drastic changes in the world of Godhead.

After Zhu Yunxuan heard this, he pondered for a long time, and then asked Li Zhen to take him into the world of Godhead.

Li Zhen didn't dare to neglect, and quickly took Zhu Yun stew in.

After entering the godhead world, Zhu Yunshou felt the messy scene before him and saw the problem.

"Brother Li, you might be able to tell the difference between your world and the outside world?"

Li Zhen felt it for a while, and asked doubtfully: "Brother Yunqi, please help me out!"

He really didn't see anything abnormal.

There are some in the outside world, as well as in the world of his godhead, but Zhu Yunqi's words are definitely not aimless.

Zhu Yun said, raising his hand, a special breath appeared, and then he motioned Li Zhen to feel it carefully.

Li Zhen felt slightly, the way of light, little Daoer, nothing unusual!



Li Zhen swallowed frantically, his eyes rounded and his mouth felt dry, his eyes blazing brightly.

"Brother Yun炆, you mean...the middle way of my world is imperfect?"

Seeing that Li Zhen had identified the problem, Zhu Yunqi smiled and returned to Qianyuan Mountain. Mahjong is really a good thing, he can't wait.

Looking at Zhu Yunshou's back, Li Zhen curled his lips, and then felt carefully.

He wants to take advantage of this world to fill up the missing road in the Godhead world.

Only by completing all the Tao, this world can be regarded as the real world, and it is possible to give birth to real life.

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