Godly System: Evolve From a Kitten

Chapter 1378: Cultivation is exhausted

The avenue is difficult to handle, but these trails are not difficult for Li Zhen.

When Li Zhen completed the Tao in the world, Li Zhen frowned, something was wrong, he always felt that there was something missing in the world of Godhead.

Li Zhen's soul is slowly searching in the world of Godhead.


"What's the matter with this kid? Why do I feel that this kid has become different?" While touching the mahjong, Duan Yushan looked at Li Zhen suspiciously, and asked Nezha.

"How do I know? This was ordered by the old master, I just executed it!"

"Hey, Duan Hunzi, what are you doing? Why are there so no cards? Steal cards! Why are there four whiteboards in a set of mahjong?"

Just as he was talking, the kitten over there has two small paws spreading out.

Ever since I learned how to play this thing, there hasn't been any trouble with Zhu Yun on this mahjong table.

"Little guy, this round is not counted, Duan Hunzi is out of his mind!"

Nezha pointed at the kitten angrily and said.


The kitten stood on the mahjong table and stared at Nezha fiercely.

"How you call it has nothing to do with you. If he is a thousand-year-old, there is a problem with this deck of cards. You are crazy, crazy!"

Nezha was anxious when I heard the kitten.

So three people and a cat quarreled on the table.

In the world of Godhead, Li Zhen has been searching for it.

Every avenue is performing its duties, and the whole world is very stable, but he always feels that something is missing.

I don't know how long I have been looking for.

Suddenly one day, a bright light flashed in Li Zhen's mind, and he was caught.

Li Zhen's closed eyes opened.


The whole world, it seems that each avenue performs its own duties, but there is a lack of cooperation between each avenue.

The whole world is a whole. Without cooperation, how can it become a whole?

Li Zhen, who had figured this out, laughed, standing in the world of Godhead, the next moment, the whole world changed.

The fog was raging, the huge mountain bulged, the world was spreading outward, all kinds of auras were boiling, and the red clouds appeared from the unknown void one after another, and descended on Li Zhen.

Aura ups and downs, discomfort in the barriers of the sky, there are waves of thunderous rays of light emerging, all of this in front of me looks so mysterious, but it is so harmonious and natural.

Li Zhen watched quietly, waiting for the expansion of the world.

The next moment, he was astonished, and suddenly felt a sense of extreme weakness.

And Qianyuan Mountain.

When Li Zhen opened his eyes, he happened to see Nezha and Duan Yushan both being there.

Duan Yushan was swearing at Nezha. Nezha was like a kid who had done something wrong. Duan Yushan was scolded by Duan Yushan, but he didn't have enough reason to reply.


A pair of worried big cat eyes floated over, seeing Li Zhen opened his eyes, the big cat eyes lit up suddenly, and then his small tongue licked desperately on Li Zhen's face.

Li Zhen held the kitten in his arms and looked at the big guy suspiciously.

However, the eyes of the big guy looking at him changed.

"Boy, are you all right?"

Nezha couldn't believe what he saw before him, and he stretched out his hand and poked Li Zhen cautiously in the face.

Li Zhen slapped his hand to the side without angrily, and then sat up.

As soon as I sat up, there was a feeling of extreme lack in my body.

what happened?

Li Zhen looked at his body in confusion.

"No problem?"

Li Zheng was even more puzzled.

"Boy, why are you so fictitious? What about your cultivation?"

Nezha asked suspiciously.


Li Zhen was in a mess when he heard Nezha's words.

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