Li Zhen's thoughts fluttered, trying to get Yan Peng to fight with the Eastern Desolation Mansion.

At this moment, a big man suddenly appeared.

A terrifying aura bloomed, and Li Zhen glanced at this person and knew that this person should be the so-called old man of the Eastern Desolation.

"Old gentleman!"

Sure enough, seeing this big man, Yan Peng was much more polite.

"Friend Yanpeng, are you trying to give me power in the Eastern Desolate City?"

Donghuang Laojun looked at Yan Peng with a smile, but everyone could sense the killing intent of Donghuang Laojun.

"Hurry up and fight!"

Seeing this scene, Li Zhen muttered in his heart.

If the two don't fight, he might be the one who is unlucky.

Li Zhen burned incense and worshipped Buddha for the two men in his heart, hoping that they would fight quickly.

But a scene that shocked Li Zhen happened. I don't know what Yan Peng and Dongfang Laojun said. The two people who had been murderous to each other just now happily talked to each other in a blink of an eye and walked into the City Lord's Mansion.

In this scene, not only was Li Zhen stunned, everyone in the Eastern Desolation City was stunned. You must know that Yan Peng killed a Daluo Immortal King in the Eastern Desolation Palace just now.

Any Immortal King Daluo, in any force, is a top powerhouse.

It would be a great loss if one died. Why didn't Old Jun Donghuang show any sadness on his face?

Seeing the two people hooking their shoulders on their backs, Li Zhen knew he was going to suffer.

Sure enough, in the next moment, tens of thousands of city guards were found in the city lord's mansion.

"Made, this is a matter between me and Yan Peng. What about your City Lord's mansion? The dog is nosy with the mouse!"

When Li Zhen said this, he had forgotten that he had come to the City Lord's Mansion. He originally wanted to blame the death of Yan Peng's child on the City Lord's Mansion.

"Ding, Da Luo Jinlian is detected, do you want to mark it?"

Just as Li Zhen continued to dig down, the electronic sound of the system suddenly sounded from his mind.

Li Zhen was taken aback, and then hurriedly said, "Mark!"

Allowing the system to promptly prompt is enough to explain the value of this thing.

And the name has the word "Daluo", I don't know if it is related to the Immortal King Daluo.

Li Zhen quickly opened the system map, and then he stared at the shiny dot on the system dumbfounded.

next moment.

Suddenly there was a rustling sound from below.


Mad, is it so lucky?

The voice from the hand proves that the bottom is empty, and the place indicated on the system map is also below him.

"There is a formation here!"

Just about to open it and take a look at what's below, suddenly there was a warning sign in my heart.

When Li Zhen cast his delusion-breaking eyes, he immediately saw the densely packed array below.

Seeing these formations, Li Zhen sneered coldly. The person who laid these formations was definitely a novice in formations and had a little knowledge of these formations.

Easily resolved these formations without disturbing anyone, and then opened the board.

Looking down and seeing the scene inside, Li Zhen couldn't help but exclaimed.

"This time I deserve to be rich!"

It is estimated that this is the treasure trove of the City Lord’s Mansion of the Eastern Desolate City, where there are all kinds of genius treasures.

What catches your eyes is the rows of weapon racks, on which a handful of magic weapons hang side by side.

Li Zhen didn't even look at it. He took it all into the world of the godhead. Walking inside, there were rows of god-level spirit pills. Li Zhen didn't treat him politely, so he took them all away.

Taking a step forward, I suddenly saw the wood on the shelf.

Seeing those pieces of wood, Li Zhen's eyes burst out brightly.

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