
Li Zhen recognized it at first sight.

It's really nowhere to find a place to break through the iron shoes, it's all effortless!

I don’t know what Donghuang Mansion does with Jianmu these days, but they are all cheap Li Zhen’s.

[Beast King Bar (Level 3) (Evolve to the next level requires Innate Mithril *100 catties (168 catties), Da Luo fine gold *50 catties (2934 catties), Tianjianmu *100 (1100), evolution point 20 Billion.]

Take out the Beast King Bar, and click Evolution.

"Ding, the emperor bar is evolving, the countdown is 24 hours."

Seeing the words displayed on the Beast Emperor Bar, Li Zhen grinned.

Level 3 beast emperor bar is already much more terrifying than ordinary artifacts, if it evolves to level 4, it will certainly not be weaker than ordinary magic weapons.

But this is not the time to waste time, Li Zhen continued to walk inside.

He came to sweep up today, so no matter what good things he saw, all his brains were collected into the godhead world.

At this moment, Dongfang Laojun and Yan Peng have already started to find him together. If he doesn't let Dongfang Laojun lose something, how can he make such a tone?

"The two Hunyuan Daluo Immortal Kings joined hands to find, it is not a long-term solution for me to hide here!"

The horror of the Immortal King Hunyuan Daluo is not something Li Zhen can contemplate. Fortunately, the two immortal kings Hunyuan Daluo are not much stronger than him. Li Zhen can discover them before they find him. Personal consciousness.

As he walked, Li Zhen suddenly froze there.

An quaint book was placed in the most conspicuous position. Obviously, in the eyes of Dongfang Laojun, this book is the most precious thing in the entire treasure house.

Li Zhen hurriedly walked over.

Suddenly, there was extreme anxiety in my heart.

At this moment, he saw the face of Dongfang Laojun, who was still smiling and talking to Yan Peng outside, suddenly changed.

"Made is careless, I didn't see that there is a hidden formation here!"

Li Zhen cursed secretly, put away all the things in the treasure house, and did not even think about it, "Invisibility!"


The old man of the Eastern Wilderness walked in and saw the scene inside, his eyes instantly turned red, and a terrifying killing intent bloomed instantly.

"Who, who is it? Ah!"

It's over, driving the old man of the Eastern Wilderness crazy.

Li Zhen didn't hesitate, "Lei Ying clone!"

"Void escape technique!"

Li Zhen took out a little holy fetal liquid from the godhead world, then wiped it on the body of the clone, then turned and stepped into the void.


Yan Peng felt Li Zhen's momentum for the first time, and then stepped in.

At this moment, the old man of the Eastern Wilderness was angry and didn't know how to vent it. It happened that at the moment Li Zhen took out the holy fetal liquid, he bombarded the past with a palm.

This kid stole his treasure chest!

Those things are not rare to him, but there is a supreme cheat sheet that explains it. If he loses it like this, he will have nowhere to cry.

At the same moment, Li Zhen copied the same book in a short time.

"Anyway, it's just for arrogance. I hope that the old **** of Donghuang Laojun is anxious at this moment and cannot see the font on it."

With that, the clone suddenly rushed towards Yan Peng, and then threw the imitation book over.

Seeing Li Zhen's clone threw out a book, the old man of the Eastern Desolation was struggling to split his eyes, but Yan Peng shot it out in the first place.

"Don't!" Seeing this scene, Donghuang Laojun's eyes protruded.

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