Godly System: Evolve From a Kitten

Chapter 408: Relationship messed up

Hearing the suppressed pain in the room, Cai Xiulian and Li Dunru blushed.

"Xiulian, what do you say if Li Zhen doesn't admit it?" Li Dunru looked forward to a better life in his heart, but was afraid that the basket would be empty.

"No, it's not that the two of them have no feelings, otherwise they won't accompany us to fool around for so long." Cai Xiulian said with certainty.

Seeing her husband’s eyes, Cai Xiulian gave her husband a sullen look, “I regret it? Afraid of losing her daughter? Now the neighbors and even the whole county know that we are the father-in-law of Dongshan Wuyuan Dean Li. If you regret it, Go out and explain to those people."

Everyone knew about this matter. As soon as he thought of the possible faces that might appear if people outside knew about it, Li Dunru shuddered, his eyes gradually firm.

"Yes, these two children seem to have feelings at first sight. Our parents are also afraid that they will continue to suffer by doing this, so that the relationship will break."

"Yes, you haven't become old and confused." Cai Xiulian gave her husband a blank look, and suddenly Bai Meisheng saw that Li Dunru's mouth was dry.

"My wife, there is still a little bit of the medicine, let's try it together!"


Li Zhen didn't expect Li Xiaoman to be so crazy, it was as if he had been depressed for a long time, like a tide, the bank burst instantly.

It wasn't until four o'clock in the morning the next day that everything went quiet.

I don’t know when Li Xiaoman woke up. The pain in her body was telling her that what happened before was not a dream. She saw Li Zhen who was still asleep next to him. She was shocked and hugged Li Zhen’s soft arms and avoided. It's red.

Messy thoughts impacted her. Last moment, she was still considering how to explain her and Li Zhen to her parents. At this moment, they were already sleeping together.

This relationship is messed up.

And she knew that Lin Zixi liked Li Zhen very much, and Zhener liked it very much, but she didn't admit it.

Thinking of this, Li Xiaoman suddenly felt a heartache, as if something precious had been taken away. She only knew at this time that Li Zhen didn't know when it was so important to her.

At this moment, Li Xiaoman suddenly saw Li Zhen's eyelids move, and following her move, the hateful man reacted, and she suddenly realized that the **** was pretending to sleep.

Without thinking about it, Li Xiaoman slammed on Li Zhen who was pretending to be asleep.

This bastard, taking her body away, is still pretending to sleep!

Li Zhen knew that he couldn’t pretend, so he didn’t pretend. He grabbed the jade foot and looked at the perfect woman in front of him. It would be fake if Li Zhen said he was not excited. He was a poor **** in his previous life. Beauty, where do you get him?

Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed the red blood stain on the bed sheet, and Li Zhen was excited and somewhat guilty.

Excitedly, he finally took the little wife down, and it was the first time for Li Xiaoman. The guilty conscience is that after he and Lin Zixi went through that day, Lin Zixi also found out the relationship with him. He is now a typical scumbag representative, with two boats on his feet.

Fortunately, this world is not monogamous, but Li Zhen is worried about how he should talk to Lin Zixi about this.

"Little wife!" Li Zhen felt furry and finally said.

"Get out!" A pillow was thrown over, but she didn't know that her beauty had leaked, which made Li Zhen look straight.

Li Xiaoman was a little proud, but in the next second, she became scared, because the man's eyes looked at her changed, becoming the same as last night.

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