Godly System: Evolve From a Kitten

Chapter 409: System upgrade completed

"Boom boom boom!"

At this moment, there was a knock on the door.

"Xiaoman, Li Zhen, it's dinner. You haven't eaten for a day. Also, you are still young and have a long time. It is better to be restrained in such things!"

Cai Xiulian's voice made the two people in the house make two big red faces.

"I blame you! What should I do now?" Li Xiaoman hid in Li Zhen's arms, her pretty face feverish.

"What should I do? Why do you think you have become so passionate? Last night, you became like a queen riding a horse. If it weren't for your parents to give you medicine..."

"Asshole, shut up!" Li Xiaoman was embarrassed, covered Li Zhen's mouth, and then hugged the quilt tightly to take a bath.

Li Zhen put on his clothes and opened the door, just in time to see Cai Xiulian's smiling face.

"Auntie, Director Wu of the relevant department invited us to dinner in the evening, I promised him, let's go out to eat." After Cai Xiulian mentioned dinner, Li Zhen remembered the agreement with Wu Zhengkai.

"Ah? Okay, wait a minute, husband, stop cooking, Director Wu invites us to dinner!" Cai Xiulian's voice can't wait to be heard throughout the building.

At this moment, the system upgrade was completed, and Li Zhen quickly opened the panel.

【Name: Li Zhen

Race: Thunder Cat (mutation)

Lifespan: 37 days/1000 years

Realm: Level 5

Evolution point: 1000000

Evolution degree: 1000000/5000000

Strength: 50 (65) elephant

Soul power: 100000

Qualification: Cyan (evolve 1000000/2000000)

Wealth: 3 billion (10,000 can be exchanged for 1 point of evolution)

Real blood tempering: 0.01%]

The strength soared to 65 elephants, the bone tempering disappeared, and the real blood tempering was replaced. Li Zhen's most exciting thing was that his skill bar, his transformation disappeared.

Instead, there are two more panels, one in the cat state and the other in the human state.

At this time, Li Zhen opened the display of the humanoid status bar.

"Ding, it is detected that the host has activated the humanoid form. Do you retain this form permanently (requires 100,000,000 evolution points)? Maintain this state, and deduct 1,000 evolution points every hour.

One billion! Li Zhen was speechless.

One hundred million can permanently change adults.

Li Zhen is a little puzzled. Doesn't he need to go through the transfiguration?

"What are you thinking about?" At this moment, Li Xiaoman walked out and kicked Li Zhen angrily.

Li Zhen took her into his arms, "Thinking about my little wife."

"Don't you want your eldest wife and Lin Zixi?" Li Xiaoman looked at Li Zhen jokingly, Catkin pinched a small ball of meat around Li Zhen's waist, and then twisted it twice with a smile.

Li Zhen did not dare to urge Zhen Yuan to resist, his whole body trembled with pain, and the woman became jealous and did not discuss it.

But seeing Li Xiaoman's dress, Li Zhen gently took off the bath towel, Li Xiaoman suddenly couldn't worry about twisting him...

Li Dunru drove to the Ruize Hotel.

"This is the best hotel in our Yangxin County. People who have no status at ordinary times can't come here. This time, your uncle and I have taken care of you." Cai Xiulian said flatly.

"Mom, you don't need to be so polite with him." Li Xiaoman said in a sullen manner. Your daughter was eaten upright by this bastard.

"Okay, you're welcome!" Cai Xiulian burst into laughter.

"Yeah, isn't this our plant flower? Why did you come here for dinner?"

At this moment, a bitter voice came from behind the four.

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