Godly System: Evolve From a Kitten

Chapter 434: Nebula Power

When the dust was gone, Li Zhen finally saw the appearance of the monster.

The next moment, he was completely dull.

The monster was unscathed.

How is this possible?

At the price of real blood, he took a real blood blow. At the moment when the real blood exploded, the damage was never less than the powerful blow of the sixth rank martial artist. This monster is not a master yet, how can it be undamaged?

The monster stared at Li Zhen fiercely with spiteful gazes, but the trace of fear deep in his eyes was still noticed by Li Zhen.

This monster is by no means undamaged, but it has a strong recovery ability, Li Zhen understood at this moment.


The terrifying Thunder Dragon suddenly fell from the nine heavens.

"Ding, it is detected that the host has swallowed a robbery thunder, and the evolution point is +150000."

Hearing the system's prompt tone, Li Zhen remembered the existence of Heavenly Tribulation.

Li Zhen appeared as a cat. He was a mutated thunder cat. Only in the state of a cat could he completely swallow the thunder thunder and evolve his blood.

"Oh!" The monster was struck by the thunder and let out a scream.

Li Zhen stared closely. Sure enough, Jie Lei struck the monster, and the monster was injured immediately. The next moment, the injured place recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

With such a powerful recovery ability, Li Zhen had cultivated the Primordial Blue Blood Secret Art, but his recovery ability was still much worse than the monster in front of him.

The monster hides in Tibet and doesn't know how to overcome it.

But Jie Lei had locked it, and no matter where it escaped, it would follow him.

The monster yelled in horror, helpless like a child.

At this moment, Li Zhen saw the monster panicking and suddenly felt relieved.

The monster is innocent, and everything it does is an instinctive reaction. Blame the people of the cult, they are the most damnable.

Another robbery thunder slammed down, and the monster was frightened and scurrying with his arms around his head.

I don't know if it happened that this guy escaped under Li Zhen.

Li Zhen was surprised.


In addition to adding some evolutionary points to Li Zhen, this robbery did not hurt the monster at all.

The monster was ready to be struck by lightning, but after the robbery, the countless eyes on its body blinked and blinked, and then all its eyes narrowed, as if it was fortunate that nothing happened.


The monster healed its scar and forgot to hurt it. Seeing that Jie Lei couldn't hurt it, his eyes became savage again, and he roared at Jie Lei above Nine Heavens.

"Oh, although you are innocent, your existence will hurt the heavens and harmony after all." Li Zhen muttered to himself and flew away.

The monster suddenly felt that the aura above his head became more terrifying. It had a feeling that if this lightning strikes it, it will definitely die.

It tilted its head and thought, wondering why Jie Lei, who was still ‘weak’ just now, suddenly increased.


Jie Lei finally struck down again!

"Ding, it is detected that the host has swallowed a robbery thunder, and the evolution point is +250,000."

Li Zhen comfortably let the robbery thunder into his body, and the power of thunder revolved in his dantian, slowly forming a small cyclone, the cyclone became bigger and bigger, and the momentum became more and more magnificent.

Li Zhen frowned. He had never encountered such a situation before. After thinking about it, he tried to get through the cell phone of the ancestor of the sky.

"What are you doing?" The voice over there was very impatient.

"My account..." Li Zhen said lightly.

"What's the matter, dear? Little Cangqiong will serve you wholeheartedly."

"..." Sure enough, the cat is shameless, and the world is invincible. "Ancestor, why is there a cyclone suddenly in my body."

There was a rumbling sound over there, and then the sound of the sky full of surprise came.

"You have Nebula Power?"

What? Nebula power?

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