Godly System: Evolve From a Kitten

Chapter 435: The second source of strength

"Old ancestor, do you have it in your body?" Li Zhen breathed a sigh of relief, as the old guy knew.

"Nonsense, ancestor, I... of course!" The voice over there was a bit weird, and Li Zhen heard that there were also in the sky. He was overjoyed and couldn't hear what was wrong in the sky.

"The power of the nebula is similar to the power of the golden core of a human warrior." Cang Qiong explained. "The power of our spirit beast family comes from the demon core in the body, and a very few spirit beasts will give birth to a second source of power under certain conditions."

"The location of birth is not necessarily the same. Some are in the brain nucleus, some are in the original location of the demon core, and some are just like you, opened up the dantian like a human warrior, giving birth to Nebula Cyclone, Sun Tsai, spirit beasts like us. , If you don’t die in the future, you will be able to advance to a holy beast, not a divine beast.

Li Zhen was wrong, is there any difference between a sacred beast and a sacred beast?

But obviously, Cangqiang did not mean to explain, but hurriedly asked: "Your kid, tell me about the way you gave birth to the nebula."

Listening to the tone, it is very urgent.

Li Zhen had no doubts, and told the sky about the process of absorbing the thunder and giving birth to the cyclone.

"Does it really have to be struck by lightning to give birth to a cyclone?" Sky murmured on the phone, "Where can I get a thunderstorm at this time?"

"That..." Li Zhen pondered, and said kindly to the sky: "Ancestor, have you returned to Jianshan Forest Domain now?"

"I'm back, what's the matter?" The sky over there asked suspiciously, why did the kid Li Zhen suddenly ask this question for no reason.

I don't know why, there is a feeling of palpitations lingering in his heart.

"Ancestor, you should find a place where there is no one." Li Zhen couldn't help but said when seeing part of Jie Lei that had been smashed down.

"What do you mean?" The sky over there was a little surprised.

"Ancestor, it's so beautiful, the sky over there has changed color!" a kitten said suddenly and tenderly.

"What!" Cang Qiong looked up, dull, then his face changed, kicking the kittens crawling around by his side.

"Don't come here! Cao, Li Zhen, you little bastard! I spanked you!"


A robbery thunder struck him instantly, and the phone in his ear exploded in an instant, leaving only a "buzzing" sound in his ears.

"The ancestor was struck by lightning!"

"I smell the barbecue, it smells so good!"

The words of those kittens made the sky depressed even more. This thunder came so strange, and it must have nothing to do with Li Zhen.

"This little king|Bad!" Cang Qiong was angry, and the moment his mobile phone exploded, the feeling of being locked by the thunderbolt disappeared. He was absolutely certain that the thunderbolt just now must have been caused by Li Zhen.

Cang Qiong was puzzled. It has only been a few days since Li Zhen is so powerful that even Jie Lei can control it.

"No, I also want to cultivate Nebula!"

He was just bragging. Li Zhen had Nebula, but he didn't. This made him willing.

How did this little devil cultivate? Is this still a cat? The children of Saint Beast didn't have such a fast cultivation speed, Cang Qiong thought suspiciously.


Li Zhen put the phone away and saw that the rice phone is good! After being struck by thunderbolt twice, it was fine. You can still make calls, watch slow hands, and smooth and not stuck.

Nebula power!

Li Zhen looked at the cyclone in the dantian. Is this the nebula?

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