Godly System: Evolve From a Kitten

Chapter 804: Fang Gan enters the Tang Dynasty

I'm afraid more than that!

There are great masters all around, just a little beast essence and medicinal herbs, would emit such a strong energy fluctuation?

The old master attracted the attention of some people, and everyone surrounded him.

"Little guy, take it out and let everyone see it!"

"Lao Gao and Lao Jiang are here, do we dare to **** it?"

The eyes of the people in the major martial arts schools flickered, Fang Gan's harvest is definitely not small, and it is by no means as simple as the beast essence and herbs in his mouth.

"Little guy, just finished the college entrance examination, do you want to come to our Datang Military Academy?" The old master of Datang Military Academy didn't have so many twists and turns, and said directly.

Datang Military Academy is the seventh-ranked martial arts school of Wuhan University. Naturally, the source of students is not a problem, and the development after entering is definitely not what Dongshan Wuyuan can give.

After the old master finished speaking, outside the cordon, all the students of Dongshan Wuyuan showed envy.

The iron madman was not happy with such blatant digging of the source of life. He just wanted to speak, but when he saw Tianye shook his head at him.

The iron madman snorted coldly and stopped talking.

Other martial arts schools also wanted to speak, but their rankings were far from that of Datang Military Academy.

Fang Gan's eyes suddenly moved when he heard the words, Datang Military Academy, the seventh-ranked martial arts academy, he will definitely get key training after he goes there. It is not a dream to break through eighth rank before graduation.

Seeing Fang Gan's expression and Wen Tianye's expression dimmed for a while, his reputation as Dongshan Wuyuan was still inferior to those famous schools.

This look had exposed Fang Gan's true thoughts, and they couldn't stop it.

Lao Jiang and the others watched that the old master did not give Dongshan Wuyuan face, but it was within the rules and they could not say anything.

Fang Gan thought for a while, and asked the old master with a smile: "Can I take someone to school?"

"of course can!"

The old grandmaster's eyes brightened when he heard the words, and their military academy needed one more talented student. As for Fang Gan said he would take one, the old grandmaster didn't care who Fang Gan would take.

The old grandmaster immediately called the school, and the school received the call and took it seriously, saying that he would come over and go through the admission procedures for Fang Gan.

Fang Gan came to Wen Tianye. As the **** of war in Dongshan City, Wen Tianye had received admiration from everyone before, but the status of people had changed, so everything had changed.

Before Fang Gan could speak, Wen Tianye smiled slightly: "Go, the young eagle is going to fly to the sky after all!"

Fang Gan knelt down with a "poof" and knocked his head nine times at Wen Tianye.

"Grandmaster Fang is really too emotional. As a grandmaster, he can still maintain his original aspirations after becoming famous. It is really commendable!"

The news reporters immediately turned into cats that smelled fishy, ​​and they all swarmed up, slapped Fang Gan.

"Don't say that, you guys, the principal has taught me for twelve years, just like my family, I should kowtow to the principal. No matter where I go in the future, I will also be part of the Higashiyama Wuyuan."

Fang Gan said sorry to Wen Tianye, who showed regret in his eyes. He wanted to surpass Li Zhen, and in Dongshan Wuyuan, he could never surpass Li Zhen, so the higher-ranked Datang Military Academy is A better choice.

Hearing his words, the flashing lights continued, and various praises followed, and Fang Qian even felt the envy of his classmates.

Of course, there are some people who show disdain. You can go and people walk up high. This is understandable, but you do this in front of so many people, and you are hitting Dongshan Wuyuan in the face.

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