Godly System: Evolve From a Kitten

Chapter 805: Publicly confess Li Zhener

Shen Yuhang on the side seemed to have not seen it, sitting cross-legged, standing in the camp of Dongshan Wuyuan with his eyes closed and rested.

Looking at Shen Yuhang, Wen Tianye and Tie Liren's eyes finally became warmer, and the two of them agreed at the same time, "If Li Zhen comes back, it will be perfect!"

Fang Gan became the focus of everyone for a while, and coupled with the fact that he had just stabilized the master's cultivation base, he was naturally triumphant. At this moment, his gaze swept over a person in the crowd, and his eyes suddenly brightened.

Fang Gan smiled triumphantly, then walked triumphantly in front of the four women, and said softly to Li Zhen'er among them: "Jin'er, go to Datang Military Academy with me. I think you have heard it too. A place you applied for."

As soon as this remark came out, there was an uproar around!

Around, all of Li Zhen'er's classmates looked at her enviously, Datang Military Academy, which is the seventh-ranked martial arts school, after entering, after graduation, you can at least cultivate to the Fourth Stage.

Sipinjing, after entering the company after coming out, is fully qualified for the middle management of some large companies.

"Fang Gan is really a seed of infatuation. It turns out that he worked so hard to give his sweetheart a future."

"A good story!"

"This beauty can make a master fall in love so much, I don't know how much virtue has accumulated in the past life!"

Li Zhen'er didn't expect Fang Gan to do this in public, and was a little flustered for a while.

Fang Gan looked at her confidently with pride in his eyes. He didn't know how many times he had imagined this scene, but he had no guts.

Li Zhen, this name is like a big mountain pressing on him, but now Li Zhen hasn't come back, I'm afraid it's too bad.

In the future, the world will only remember a rising star, and who will remember a dead person.

"no need!"

Just when everyone thought that Li Zhener would agree, no one expected that she would refuse so simply, without even the slightest hesitation.

Fang Gan didn't expect that Li Zhen'er would refuse so swiftly, and suddenly felt a bit unable to come to Taiwan. As a dignified master, he would be rejected after chasing a second-rank martial artist. This scene seemed incredible.

"Jane, you know, I..."

"Enough, Zhen'er doesn't like you, so hurry up, the martial arts school has trained you for more than ten years, but I didn't expect to train a white-eyed wolf!"

Fang Gan wanted to say something more, Li Xiaoman ripped off Fang Gan's fig leaf in an angry manner.

Fang Gan’s face was pale. As a master, he was recruited by the seventh-ranked Datang Military Academy in the Martial Arts Academy. Today should be his most proud occasion, but now, he was first rejected by a second-rank martial artist, and then by another. The second-rank martial artist is humiliated.

The grandmaster must not be humiliated, but now he has been humiliated repeatedly.

Fang Gan looked at Li Xiaoman fiercely.

"Fang Gan!"

On the side, Luo Tianyi reminded him to pay attention to his aura. Everyone next to him was trembling at this time, their faces were pale, and they had obviously reached the limit of tolerance.

"Senior Sister wants to humiliate me too? As a grandmaster, I was so humiliated. Didn't Senior Sister know that there is a saying called'Grandmaster must not be humiliated'?"

Fang was angry.

If today’s matter is spread out, others will be a big joke.

"Insult? Is it a humiliation to reject you?" Luo Tianyi frowned, and suddenly said astonishingly: "Then I hit you, is it just a hatred of the heavens?"

"You hit me? Haha!" Fang Gan smiled exaggeratedly, "Is it up to you?"

A jade palm suddenly appeared, and then a shadow flew out.

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