Godly System: Evolve From a Kitten

Chapter 814: The regret of the old master

Fang Gan secretly swore that he would take Li Zhen'er back anyway!

Li Zhen must die!

The humiliation Li Zhen brought to him today, he will surely return it ten thousand times!

"Fang Gan, are you angry?"

Beside, the old grandmaster of Datang Military Academy suddenly spoke.


Fang Gan could see that the old master admired Li Zhen very much. He has now been recruited into the Datang Military Academy. It is no longer possible to enter other martial arts schools. If you want to live well in the martial arts academy, the old master is him. Never offend.

"Nonsense, very angry is very angry, as a master, if you don't even dare to show your feelings, how do you move against the current in the future!"

The old master shouted and reprimanded.

"I..." Fang Gan clenched his fists tighter and tighter, his face bursting with bruises, and roared like a brute: "That's the woman I like, I want to take it back!"

"Yes, if you don't even dare to fight for the woman you like, I will look down on you, but you only have a seventh rank, and Dean Li is a ninth rank strong, what do you use to grab him?"

Nine products!

Fang Gan finally understood why the fear in his heart came from before!

But... how is it possible?

His double holes are wide!

When Li Zhen just went in, he only had five products!

He can break through to the seventh rank. That is the help of heaven. The seventh rank tempers true blood and the eighth rank tempers the golden body. Each is more difficult than the other. How did Li Zhen break through to the ninth rank?

The old master looked at Fang Gan lightly, and sighed in his heart. Although he did not advocate Fang Gan and Li Zhen fighting against each other, if he could have an opponent, the improvement of the opponent would undoubtedly help.

This is an extraordinary period, some signs of turbulence have appeared, and he has to resort to extraordinary means.

But... the premise of all this is that Fang Gan can overcome the fear in his heart. If Fang Gan knows that Li Zhen is the 9th rank and loses confidence, then... Fang Gan will also be in the 7th rank in this life.

The old master stared at Fang Gan and waited slowly. Finally, he saw what he wanted to see in Fang Gan's eyes and nodded with satisfaction.

"Very well, Datang Military Academy will always help you until you catch up with Li Zhen's cultivation level!"

With that said, the old master sighed slightly, Fang Gan wanted to catch up with Li Zhen, a little...hanging, Li Zhen's progress was too fast.

Since Dongshan Wuyuan reported that he had recruited a fourth-rank alchemist, he has been paying attention to Li Zhen, and even had the idea of ​​recruiting Li Zhen to enter the Datang Military Academy. However, due to his love, the school did not want to offend Dong for a fourth-rank alchemist. Yamatakein, so the matter was stranded.

But he was very optimistic about Li Zhen, such a young fourth-rank alchemist, in the Datang Military Academy, let him polish for a few years, becoming a sixth-rank alchemist is definitely not a fantasy.

Unexpectedly, when he wanted to make the military academy give him a face and make an exception to recruit, the Higashiyama Wuyuan had issued a statement to the outside world, hiring Li Zhen as the dean of the Dongshan Wuyuan Danyuan.

When this news came out, Higashiyama Wuyuan became a joke and talkative in the circles of the major Wuyuan.

It is said that Dongshan Wuyuan is getting lower and lower. In order to expand its influence, even the face is not needed, and it actually hires a high school student as the head of the first school!

This kind of thing has never happened before in the history of China, and the Ministry of Education strongly opposed it. In the end, after hearing that Tianye tried to reject all opinions and made some sacrifices, the Ministry of Education nodded and agreed.

Now, who would say that Wen Tianye's decision was wrong?

Seventeen-year-old Nine Stage Alchemist!

Such attainments in alchemy are at the top level in China |

With Li Zhen in Dongshan Wuyuan, who would dare not sell it a bit thin?

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