Godly System: Evolve From a Kitten

Chapter 815: Xiaoguai disappeared

And... Is Li Zhen really just a Ninth-Rank Alchemist?

Although he couldn't believe it, but when Li Zhen appeared just now, the unusually powerful mental fluctuations could not be concealed.

The Soul Dao that the old master understood belongs to the Dao of Divine Consciousness. The spiritual power cultivation is second to none in the Datang Military Academy, but at that moment, he clearly felt that Li Zhen’s spiritual strength was one of his. Times more.

His mental power has reached 500,000 Hz, so how much does Li Zhen's mental power have reached? 1000000? Or... 1.1 million?

The old master dare not think about it.

He looked at Wen Tianye enviously, just in time to see Wen Tianye looking over, the old master sighed slightly, why didn't he have such good luck for Wen Tianye?

At the beginning, if he insisted and got involved in this matter earlier, perhaps it would be their Datang Military Academy who benefited now.

But... he couldn't be as courageous as Wen Tianye, and directly hired Li Zhen as the head of the first hospital.


"Xiaoguai left?"

Back at the villa, Li Zhen couldn't detect the little guy's presence. After asking, he knew that he had just left and Xiao Guai disappeared.

"Where did he go?"

Thinking that the little guy didn't know where he was at this time, Li Zhen's heart was aching.

Looking at the little guys, Xiaoguai usually stays with the four Xiaorou, and even like the four little guys, he calls Cang Min his mother.

If the little guy takes the initiative to go out, it is impossible not to tell these four little guys.

Seeing the four little guys shaking their heads, Li Zhen's heart jumped.

Was the little guy forced to leave, or was it too time for the little guy to tell them?

However, the little guy is a master-level monster, plus the little guy has inherited the blood and supernatural powers of various monsters, if he wants to leave, even the eighth-rank master would probably not be able to do it.

Dialed the telephone number of Chief J of the relevant department of Dongshan City.

"Dean Li, haha, you're a busy person, I was about to call you, so you called!"

There was a respectful voice over there.

"Oh? Long Wang, what can you do with me?"

Li Zhen wondered. He called Chang Wang to use the intelligence system of the relevant department to find the trace of the little guy, but what did the relevant department look for?

"We caught two people who claimed to be your relatives. Look, when will you have time to come and see them?"

"Two of my relatives?" Li Zhen was puzzled. He is a cat clan. Where is the relative from here?

Just when Li Zhen wanted to say that he didn't know each other, he suddenly thought, wouldn't it be Li Xiaoman's parents?

"Two who?"

"Two boys, they said they are from Yangxin County!"

Yangxin County?

"They said it was your brother-in-law!"


The tea Li Zhengang drank in his mouth spouted out.

"They also said that someone might be making trouble with your girlfriend recently. You'd better be careful."

Li Zhen frowned when he heard this. It seemed that he really needed to take a look at these two people.

Since those two people have been caught by the relevant departments, they should not be talking nonsense. Although they cannot be his relatives, they definitely know him.

However, before leaving, Li Zhen perfected the formations in the villa, and then added nearly a hundred formations, which consumes less and can stop the strong below the 9th-level grandmaster.

After arriving at the relevant department, Li Zhen saw the two people lying on the hospital bed and was stunned!

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