Godly System: Evolve From a Kitten

Chapter 820: How high is the formation

Luan Yunshan: "..."

When everyone saw this scene, they were also very sluggish, and then a little worried.

Fortunately, Li Zhen is his own, and will not deal with them, otherwise even the ninth-rank strong would not dare to follow Li Zhen into the courtyard rashly.

"Boy, what is your formation?" The iron lunatic's eyes rolled around, "Can you put it outside the Buddhist scripture pavilion and treasure pavilion of the martial arts courtyard?"

How high is Li Zhen's formation skills to stop the eighth rank strong?

At this moment, the iron lunatic was stunned.

"Boy, you are not the formation that you used before!"

The other masters were also stunned.

This is not the formation Li Zhen laid out before, it is new.

The iron madman suddenly stretched out his hand to grab Li Zhen, and roared: "Boy, give me tens of thousands of elixirs to suppress my shock!"

"Fuck off!" Li Zhen was half dead with anger.

Luan Yunshan also stretched out his hand, "Master Li, reward me with thousands of elixirs, I am injured!"

Li Zhen used to have only one formation, but now it is obvious that hundreds of formations are mixed in the villa, which proves that the fact that Li Zhen has seen the heavenly king is true, then...he has hundreds of thousands of spirit pills. Things are naturally true.

At the thought of this, the eyes of several masters turned red!

Hundreds of thousands.

Stacked up, this villa can't fit!

Thinking of this, the masters were once again stunned!

After a while, the iron madman suddenly said, "How big is your storage ring?"

They saw a storage ring in Li Zhen's hand. The largest area of ​​a storage ring is one hundred cubic meters. It is still the space available only for the best storage ring. It's just one.

"Not much, 10,000 cubic meters!"

Everyone: "..."

"Dog SHI Luck!" The iron lunatic was speechless, how could he not come across such a good thing?

They are depressed, and Li Zhen is even more depressed. His villa is still being attacked by several masters. Is it appropriate to talk about other things at this time?

"Ahem, these people are so courageous, in broad daylight, they dare to trespass into the home!" The iron lunatic coughed and said.

"Yes, take it!"

As Luan Yunshan said, he explored with his big hand and grabbed it inside.

Li Zhen frowned when he saw this, "No, I can do it myself!"

Luan Yunshan ignored and continued to shoot.

If Li Zhen could not see Luan Yunshan's meaning, he would be stupid.

Luan Yunshan must know the people below, and he wanted to keep these people when he shot.

With a big wave of his hand, a big hand formed by a strong earth element greeted Luan Yunshan, and Li Zhen waved his hand casually, and those who were attacking Li Zhen's formation were instantly separated.

Seeing that Luan Yunshan still wanted to make a move, Li Zhen said coldly: "Deputy Director Luan, if you make another move, you will be your enemy!"

Luan Yunshan's expression was cloudy and uncertain, and finally he sighed slightly and put down his raised hand.

A ninth-rank refiner, who is also suspected of being a genius of a god-level alchemist, is really important to China|China. He can't push Li Zhen to the hostile side because of a little personal affair.

If Li Zhen wanted to get into the Holy Beast Realm, no force in the Holy Beast Realm could refuse such a genius to join.

On the contrary, Gao Jian, who had repeatedly prevented Li Zhen from coming here, stood aside with his hands on his back as if he hadn't seen these people.

Spiritual power surged, and the eighth-rank master was instantly imprisoned. When he woke up, Li Zhen had already pinched his neck.

"Say, why trespass into my villa!" Li Zhen hesitated with sword light in his palm. Once the person didn't speak, Li Zhen pinched him to death!

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