Godly System: Evolve From a Kitten

Chapter 821: I want to move you, no one can stop

"Boy, I advise you to let me go. I come from the Li family in Kyoto, and I know the girl inside, otherwise, you can't bear the anger of our Li family."

The man was still very arrogant even though he was caught, yelling at Li Zhen.

"Have you seen it? It's not me who provokes the Li family, but the Li family provokes me!" Li Zhen said lightly, "This is a matter between me and the Li family, please don't interfere!"

When the man heard Li Zhen's voice, he noticed the few people behind Li Zhen. He saw the two headed at a glance. He was shocked and his face instantly turned pale!

Gao Jian, Director of Education of Dongshan Province.

Luan Yunshan, deputy director of the Central Plains Guardian!

How did these two people come here?

The boy in front of him can be with these two, then...

"who are you?"

This person's face turned pale! I hate myself for not investigating carefully before coming.

Luan Yunshan and Gao Jian are two big bosses in Dongshan Province, even if they are him, they can't meet each other.

Not to mention that the two big bosses are there.

"Li Zhen!"

Li Zhen said lightly.

"Li... Zhen?"

That person was stunned, how could it be possible?

No wonder the two big bosses gathered at once, it turned out to be the upstart Li Zhen.

At this time, Li Zhen's name resounded throughout China. Even the Li family was discussing how to build a good relationship with Li Zhen, but at this time they were attacking Li Zhen's villa.

How did they meet Li Zhen?

"Where is Xiaoguai?"

Li Zhen used his mental power to transform himself into a little boy.

When the person saw Xiaoguai's appearance, his eyes suddenly flickered. Although this scene was fleeting, how could there be weak people present?

Luan Yunshan and Gao Jian looked at each other, and there was a glimmer of light in their eyes.

"I have not seen!"

The man shook his head hurriedly.

"There are three more people, you don't have to ask from your mouth!" Li Zhen said lightly, saying that the strength in his hands gradually increased.

A trace of panic flashed in the man's eyes, and then he didn't know what he thought of, and he regained his composure.

"Li Zhen, I know you are great, but my Li family is not easy to provoke, and Li Zhen'er's parents are still in the hands of our Li family, you'd better..."


With a soft sound, Li Zhen dropped the person on the ground like a rag, and interrupted the person's next words.

This person couldn't believe it until he died, Li Zhen killed him without any worries.

"I want to destroy your Li family, no one can stop!"

Li Zhen said lightly.

"This kid is decisive!" Luan Yunshan said blankly after seeing this scene.

An eighth-rank grandmaster killed him when he said he was killed, and he didn't worry about the strength of the Li family.

"Why don't you stop him?"

Luan Yunshan looked at Gao Jian strangely. Before, he strongly opposed it.

Gao Jian glanced at Luan Yunshan indifferently, "I object because there is no evidence. Now the evidence is in sight. Why should I stop it?"

"It's you, Li Rulin is your relative, he is dead, why don't you save it?"

The person who just died was actually Luan Yunshan's relative!

Several people on the side looked at him in surprise, no wonder he just stopped him.

"My wife has been dead for more than a hundred years. Furthermore, when I was with my wife, Li Rulin strongly opposed it, and even broke off the relationship with my wife. I acted for him once and I was very worthy of him."

Luan Yunshan looked at Li Rulin, who was already dead, with a touch of indifference in his eyes.

The cold Li family should indeed move!

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