Godly System: Evolve From a Kitten

Chapter 825: Li Dunru and his wife borrowed money

Luan Yunshan and Gao Jian looked at each other, pondered for a while, and said to Li Zhen: "In fact, the Guo|Family also knows very little about the sect of Lingjiu Palace of Miaomeng Peak."

Li Zhen: "..."

Who believes, Hua|Guo is so strict in the management of various sects, and even set up a sect management office to deal with sectarian affairs.

In name, it is to help the new disciples of various major sects to better adapt to this society, but it is more to bring people from these sectarian circles together to facilitate management.

Whoever is most familiar with the affairs of sectarian circles is undoubtedly the Ministry of Education and relevant departments.

Seeing Li Zhen's disbelief, Gao Jian said speechlessly: "In fact, Lingjiu Palace is a very mysterious sect. I have read the records of it in the martial arts circles in various periods, and there are only two words,'mysterious'."

"The last time a disciple of Lingjiu Palace appeared was 700 years ago. Most of our records of this sect are based on rumors."

"If you really want to know, if Higashiyama Takein wins the top ten in this ranking, you can go to the Kyoto Buddhist Scripture Pavilion to check it out, maybe you will gain."

Li Zhen sighed, these people must be hiding something from him.

After everyone left, Li Zhen returned to the villa to treat Cang Min's injuries.

At this time, he realized that his mother Cang Min suffered much more serious injuries than he thought, and that he had shaken the foundation of his practice.

Fortunately, Li Zhen refined a few god-level spirit pills, but even after Cang Min took a dozen of them, his injuries stopped and continued to deteriorate.

At this moment, a phone call from Li Dunru and his wife disrupted Li Zhen's plan.

"Li Zhen, didn't you bother you?"

Li Zhen picked up, and Cai Xiulian's flattering voice came over the phone.

The flattering business made him very uncomfortable, and instantly got goose bumps.

"Auntie, are you looking for Xiaoman?"

Li Zhen has some doubts about how Li Dunru and his wife called him.

"No, no, Auntie is looking for something to do with you."

Over there, Cai Xiulian denied immediately, but did not say what to do with him.

Li Zhen smiled faintly: "Auntie, what are you looking for?"

"That... is something, Auntie feels embarrassed to speak, I..."

Cai Xiulian was stubborn, and Li Zhen could hear Li Dunru's urging voice.

Li Zhengang wanted to ask questions, when a red shadow suddenly ran over and snatched Li Zhen's mobile phone.

"Mom, why did you call Li Zhen."

Li Xiaoman was angry and annoyed.

"Bad girl, I let you pay, if you don't, I can only find my son-in-law!"

"I didn't call you the day before yesterday!"

Li Xiaoman's eyes widened.

"It's only ten thousand yuan, what is enough for? Not even the registration fee."

Li Zhen heard Cai Xiulian's angry voice from the microphone.

registery fee?

It turned out to be money. Li Zhen smiled faintly. He really has no idea about money. Money is nothing more than a series of numbers to him. Especially now, after the system is updated, the wealth value is directly removed. Li Zhen I don't even care how much money I have.

"Registration fee?" Li Xiaoman said angrily: "I didn't tell you, that's not a religious cult, it's a cult, you and my dad were cheated!"

"Cultivation requires comprehension and aptitude. If everyone can practice, what else does the martial arts school do?"


Li Zhen frowned, took Li Xiaoman into his arms, and pressed his ears to make the beautiful woman roll her eyes.

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