Godly System: Evolve From a Kitten

Chapter 826: To Yangxin County

"What do you know? Do you remember the child from the Lao Wang's house next door? The lack of qualifications was brushed down by the Martial Academy."

"Now they are real warriors! I kick the stone lion to pieces, it's amazing!"

"The Master Lu said that your father and I are very wise and rooted. They are two leftover beads from the sea. As long as we practice with him for a period of time, breaking through the master is not a problem.


Hearing this, Li Zhen couldn't help it anymore, and he spouted water.

Li Xiaoman glared at Li Zhen fiercely.

"My good son-in-law is still there, you hand over the phone to my good son-in-law!"

Cai Xiulian was also angry. If Li Xiaoman were in front of her, she would definitely be given a severe lesson.

Li Xiaoman also wanted to say that Li Zhen answered the phone.

"Let's go, uncle and aunt, Xiaoman and I will go to you to see and meet Master Lu. If the master has real skills, I will cover your registration and tuition fees."

"You are coming? But tomorrow is the last day. If it is later, Master Lu will no longer accept disciples."

Cai Xiulian shouted helplessly.

"It's okay, we Yukong will go over, soon, and will not delay Auntie's practice!"


Still know the relationship between Li Dunru and his wife, and want to lead him over?

When Cai Xiulian heard Li Zhen said that she couldn't delay, she immediately improved her mood, always boasting that Li Zhen is a good son-in-law and filial piety to her parents.

Li Xiaoman heard his mother's voice, and almost pressed his head to his chest in shame.

Handed over the operation method of the formation in the villa to Luo Tianyi, and then hugged Li Xiaoman and Lin Zixi, who was determined to go together, and walked through the air.

But within half an hour, Li Zhen came to Li Xiaoman's home.

Li Dunru and his wife were startled when they saw Li Zhen and they greeted them enthusiastically.

Lin Zixi provocatively took Li Zhen's arm, and Li Dunru and his wife didn't even see it, making Lin Zixi's operation as if hitting cotton, which made her frustrated.

Hearing the introduction of Li Dunru and his wife, Li Zhen had no doubt in his mind. What they encountered was definitely a cult, but the purpose of this cult was to defraud money.

When it was time to go to bed, Li Zhen was speechless, but Lin Zixi did not expect to fix the moth again.

Cai Xiulian's intention was to let Li Zhen and Li Dunru sleep together, and the three of them squeezed.

Unexpectedly, Lin Zixi said astonishingly: "No, I, Xiaoman and Li Zhen can sleep in the same room."

Li Zhen: "..."

Li Xiaoman: "..."

Although Li Dunru and his wife can see that the relationship between the three is very unusual, they are still very resistant to letting their daughter and others serve the same husband.

Li Zhen is speechless, this Nizi is going to do something.

But it doesn’t matter, this matter will be made public sooner or later, and China’s laws allow it.

"Hehe, in that case, then you..." Cai Xiulian said awkwardly, and then pulled Li Dunru back to her room.

"Sil Nizi, did you deliberately?"

When people left, Li Xiaoman gave Lin Zixi a helpless stare, and now she is probably going to be scolded by her parents again.

"What?" Lin Zixi pretended to be confused, her beautiful eyes blinking.

Li Xiaoman really had nothing to say about her, and said depressed: "Just one bed, how do we sleep?"

Lin Zixi indifferently pointed to the big bed and said, "Look, didn't your parents prepare the big bed for us long ago?"

Hearing this, Li Zhen's eyes flickered, and he began to look forward to it.

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