Godly System: Evolve From a Kitten

Chapter 827: Weird Yangxin County

At night, the silence is strange!

The bright moon was in the sky, illuminating the room as bright as day.

Lin Zixi and Li Xiaoman lie on either side of Li Zhen.

Li Zhen's face was intoxicated by smelling the fragrance from both sides, but after a few minutes, he became depressed.

There are beauties on both sides, but he won't let him touch any of them.

Until the next day, when it was dark and there was nowhere to vent the anger in his stomach, Li Zhen got up early and went for morning exercises, causing the two beautiful women to laugh.

Li Zhen heard the two women's laughter even more depressed, it was obvious that they did it on purpose.

After Li Zhen threw it away, Lin Zixijiao snorted: "Let this pervert keep bringing women home!"

"Yes, we are not optimistic, 4 is definitely not his limit!" Li Xiaoman couldn't help looking at Li Zhen's back, and laughed exaggeratedly.

After breakfast, Li Dunru and his wife took Li Zhen and them to a luxurious villa.

Li Zhen looked at the villa in front of him, and could see that the owner of this villa was very arrogant, and he didn't even conceal the meaning at all.

Seeing this, Li Zhen was a little surprised. This cult was so unscrupulous. What did the bureau chief of the relevant department of Yangxin County, Wu Zhengkai do?

Just thinking about it, a group of people came over.

"Wu Bureau|Long!"

Cai Xiulian greeted enthusiastically from a long distance away.

"Do you see that, even Bureau Wu|Chairman of your relevant department has already practiced with Master Lu, girl, are you relieved now?"

Although Cai Xiulian was talking to Li Xiaoman, she was actually speaking to Li Zhen. After all, she knew that her daughter had no money.

Seeing Wu Zhengkai, Li Xiaoman and Lin Zixi looked at each other, how could it be possible?

Relevant departments have clearly stipulated that once they enter the relevant department, unless people in the denomination circle can still be suspended in the original sect, the rest of the people who want to join a certain sect must get the duality of that sect and country | family Identified.

The second woman thought in her heart, and Meisou looked at Li Zhen.

Wu Zhengkai?

Is it because of Wu Zhengkai's participation at this time that the cult is so unscrupulous?

Li Zhen frowned and looked up faintly.

Hearing someone calling himself, Wu Zhengkai looked up and saw Li Dunru and his wife. He smiled slightly and was about to say hello. Suddenly, he saw a pair of sharp eyes.

Dean Li!

Wu Zhengkai rubbed his eyes and looked intently.

It's really Dean Li.

Wu Zhengkai was about to say hello when suddenly, his body was imprisoned.

Li Zhen frowned, Wu Zhengkai didn't look like a cult member, otherwise he would have run away long ago.

Li Zhen walked in front of Wu Zhengkai and said: "Wu Bureau|Chairman, this is...what's going on?"

Wu Zhengkai knew what Li Zhen was talking about in seconds, and gave Li Zhen a wink.

Seeing this, Li Zhen waved his hand, and a thin layer of mental power covered everyone.

"You can talk!"

"Dean Li, this is a cult, and my rights have been emptied! I cannot contact the outside world."

For Li Zhen, Wu Zhengkai didn't have the slightest suspicion, and he just said.

Li Dunru: "..."

Cai Xiulian: "..."

The two looked at each other and looked at Li Zhen suspiciously. Isn't this the drag you found?

When they thought about it, it was really not impossible.

Who is Li Zhen?

The dean of the Dongshan Wuyuan wants a bureau in a small county seat to be the trustee, isn’t that easy?

"These people are the ones who are standing by my side to watch me!"

"President Li, please also punish this cult. Master Lu, their person in charge here is a great master!"

Speaking of Master Lu, Wu Zhengkai couldn't help but shudder.

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