Godly System: Evolve From a Kitten

Chapter 829: Two masters

"Master Fuze the world, enjoy immortality forever!"

Suddenly someone shouted.

When the people around heard it, their faces flushed, and they shouted excitedly.

Li Zhen looked at the fat man's sullen look, and saw the crowd's frenzied expressions. In such a scene, fools can see that this is a cult.

"I implore the master to teach me how to practice!"

The fanatical voice in the crowd revived.

Li Zhen's mental strength locked this person, but was shocked to find that this person was not as fanatical as he thought, and when he looked at the fat man, he looked disdainful.

Looking closer, Li Zhen was stunned. There was another master, and he was a 9th-Rank. Although it was a weak 9th-Rank, it was still not comparable to the fat man at the 7th-Rank peak. No wonder this person looked at the fat man with disdain.

In a small county town, even a third-rank is very rare on weekdays, but now there are two masters. It seems that Yangxin County definitely has a problem.

Originally, Li Zhen wanted to take this person down and hand it to Old Jiang. Seeing this scene, he didn't worry.

Li Zhen secretly took out his cell phone and wanted to send a text message to Lao Jiang to slow him down, but found that the cell phone had no signal.

Divine Sense came out, and sure enough, there was a signal shielding device in a corner of the villa.

The fat man waved his hand, and when he saw the crowd were silent, he spoke contentedly: "Although Wang Botao has mediocre qualifications, he is strong enough to move the leader and was given holy|water to embark on the road of spiritual practice."

As the fat man said, a seventeen or eighteen-year-old young man came out, and every time he took a step, the ground made a dull sound.

Everyone looked for their reputation, and they happened to see the footprints of the youth where they walked by 0.5cm deep.

"Martial artist, he is really a martial artist. I remember that this kid had not satisfactory results in the college entrance examination, and wanted to repeat his studies. I didn't expect to become a martial artist! So amazing!

Someone exclaimed.

The young man lifted his chin triumphantly, a triumphant look in his eyes.

Li Zhen frowned. Although what this kid showed was only the third-rank cultivation level, what puzzled him was that this person really had no foundation in cultivation.

Even now, this person already has a third-rank realm, and still doesn't have any foundation for cultivation.

He was puzzled. He found that the 9th Grade Grandmaster who was hidden in the crowd looked at Wang Botao with a look of doubt.

Li Zhen was a little puzzled, aren't these two people in the same group?

"Master Lu, how can I move the leader?"

The ninth-rank grandmaster spoke again.

Seeing this scene, Li Zhen became even more puzzled. If this old boy hadn't asked him, he would really have an excellent acting skill.

The fat man also looked at the nine-tier master indifferently, smiled slightly, and said, "We teach you that cultivation is free."

Hearing this sentence, the surrounding crowd was obviously excited.

Li Zhen pouted, free? Mad, do you play word games?

In previous lives, players who have played online games know that the more free the game, the greater the cost.

Of course, some people showed the same look as Li Zhen, who obviously didn't believe it.

The fat man saw this scene and smiled cordially: "Some people will wonder why we each charge you 100,000 yuan for the registration fee."


Li Zhen was stunned and looked at Li Dunru and his wife, only to find that the old couple's faces flushed with excitement, and they were about to pass out.

"..." Li Zhen silently hugged|Li Xiaoman beside him, motioning to her.

Li Xiaoman turned his head, and when he saw the appearance of his parents, he didn't get angry.

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