Just now Wu Zhengkai said that this is a cult organization. If a normal person comes in, it will not be able to see it. It is too obvious.

Li Dunru and his wife were obviously poisoned, and they couldn't listen to them.

He is a little speechless. The Li Dunru and his wife are intellectuals who love literature. Although they love money, they have a profound cultural background. They did not expect to be so thoroughly confused by this fat man.

"This 100,000 yuan is just your security deposit, and we will not let you hand it in in vain. Our leader has a very good project. I can guarantee that this 100,000 yuan will definitely double in a year."

"This project has been recognized and certified by the country, and the director of the Wu Zhengkai Bureau of the relevant department can testify for my teacher!" He said to Wu Zhengkai in the crowd.

Wu Zhengkai had already received Li Zhen's signal, and naturally he fully cooperated and memorized the speech that the fat man gave him very gorgeously.

The fat man was a little surprised by Wu Zhengkai's cooperation, thinking that Wu Zhengkai's clothes were soft, and smiled faintly at Wu Zhengkai.

"Have you heard? It can be doubled in a year, my son-in-law, even if our couple borrows you, we will pay you back next year! Besides, you are worth tens of billions. This 200,000 is not enough for you. Meal money." Cai Xiulian has a pair of eyes, and this kind of light is called greed.

"..." Li Zhen silently glanced at Cai Xiulian, 200,000 yuan, a meal, when has he been so extravagant?

He could see that Cai Xiulian was not interested in this practice at all, but in this so-called investment.

Li Dunru is really interested in cultivation, and even if he wants to, she sits, stands, and practices every day, which doesn't require sweating. How could Cai Xiulian like it.

Cai Xiulian's voice is small, but Fatty is a seventh-tier master, how could she not hear her, she looked at Li Zhen with bright eyes.

Li Zhen was dressed in ordinary clothes. The fat man looked down on him at first, but he did not expect this to be a hidden rich man.

The Ninth Grade Grandmaster also took a surprised look at Li Zhen. In such a society now, basically all those with assets of 10 billion are martial artists, not martial artists, and assets of 10 billion cannot be kept.

He looked at Li Zhen for a while, but he was just an ordinary person, but Lin Zixi and Li Xiaoman beside Li Zhen were not weak in cultivation.

An ordinary person can be worth ten billion, and he must be a child of a big family.

Thinking of this, the two masters secretly stared at Li Zhen.

Li Zhen was speechless, two weak chickens, and then pretended to be unaware of it. They still hugged left and right, and learned the style of the dude.

"Next, I will choose a lucky person to try the magic of holy|water! Let him tell you that this master is not cheating you!" The fat man said with a smile, but Li Zhen found out the gods of this product. He has been locked.

Li Zhen is speechless, this old man would not choose him.

"Choose me! Choose me!" The crowd boiled again.

Li Dunru beside Li Zhen also stretched out his hands, expecting Master Lu to see him.

Master Lu pretended to be searching, and then reached out to Li Zhen in the crowd.

Li Zhen: "..."

I really chose him!

He didn't know whether to say that the fat man nodded his back, or he was in fortune, and he couldn't help showing a surprised expression.

"It's this young man with two beautiful women beside him!" Seeing Li Zhen's stunned expression, the fat man smiled at Li Zhen and said: "It's you! Come on, let you see the magic of holy|water."

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