Godly System: Evolve From a Kitten

Chapter 841: Du Zhong's explanation

"Caijin? Do you want me to wake him up, you try?"

Li Zhen was speechless, if Master Lu had used his modified formation to the extreme, Lao Jiang would not be an opponent.

"Try and try, you wake up now?"

In the presence of so many people, how could Lao Jiang admit counsel.

He always felt that Li Zhen could get more than just these things, and...In his opinion, Li Zhen was a lucky person who could not die anywhere, and he could definitely get good things.

"Little fat man, are you waking up by yourself or let me wake up?"

Li Zhen said with a cold voice.

"Mad, let this kid cheated!"

Old Jiang was speechless. He really thought that Little Fatty was in a coma. He was pretending to be coma.

"If he doesn't wake up, then there is no need to wake up!"

"Don't, sirs, be merciful!"

Master Lu got up, the fat all over his body trembled, and his small mung bean eyes stared at Li Zhen quietly, his eyes full of fear.

"What do you see me doing? Now he is the boss here!"

Li Zhenyi pointed to Jiang Tianping.

Jiang Tianping's face was depressed, and his gaze at Li Zhen became a bit resentful.

Ma Dan, when was his reputation as Jiang Tianping inferior to this Xiao Wang|Bad eggs?

But thinking about the Saint Beast Realm, Lao Jiang sighed slightly, he really seemed to be unable to keep up with Li Zhen.

"Hehe, Dean Li, you are joking, who doesn't know that your formation is unparalleled in the world."

Fatty reacted at this time. He felt something was not right when he fought with Du Zhong. How could the power of this formation suddenly increase more than a dozen levels.

Just now when Li Zhen waved his hand, all the formations were invalidated, and immediately guessed that Li Zhen might have done tricks on the formation.

Li Zhen's face darkened, "What are you doing with this? Say, why do you value this place so much?"

This is definitely not a coincidence.

There will never be such a coincidence!

"By the way, Dean Du, why did you come to this small county?" Li Zhenzhuang asked inadvertently.

"What? Dean Li doubts me?"

If an old senior asked this, Du Zhong would not do what he thought, but when a teenager asked him, Du Zhong felt somewhat uncomfortable.

"No, I just ask casually, Dean Du don't think too much." Seeing that Du Zhong was a little unhappy, Li Zhen said quickly.

"In fact, it's nothing. A niece called me and asked me for a registration fee of 100,000 yuan, and then said something here. I didn't feel right, so I came to take a look. I didn't expect to meet Dean Li here."

For Li Zhen, Du Zhong is still very curious. At the age of his teens, he has reached a height that many people cannot reach in their entire lives.

He even wondered if Li Zhen was reborn from the old monster.

Otherwise, a person's energy is limited, how could someone achieve Li Zhen's achievements in just a dozen years.

Eight-Rank Alchemist!

8-Rank Refiner!

I heard that the formation is not low.

Although the cultivation base is not clear, it is definitely much higher than him.

He has worked very hard, and none of the people who can break through the realm of masters are wasteful, but if you want to reach the level of Li Zhen, five thousand years, there are probably only so few people throughout the ages.

Du Zhong looked at Li Zhen curiously. Is he one of those people?

Li Zhen didn't know what Du Zhong was thinking, otherwise he would die of laughter. The reason why he reached this point was because of the existence of the system. If there was no system, he might only be able to live as a cat, unconsciously.

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