Godly System: Evolve From a Kitten

Chapter 842: Luyou started

"It's definitely not that simple here. Cults, moral sacred religions, plus this so-called kingdom of gods, the three religions all want to develop secretly here, and they may have news that we don't know."

Du Zhong looked at Master Lu after speaking.

"If I'm not mistaken, your Excellency is the elder swimming on Qitian Pavilion Road that was destroyed 30 years ago, right?"

After Du Zhong finished speaking, Master Lu's whole body trembled.

Li Zhen and Lao Jiang looked at each other, and it seemed that this person was just what Duzhong said.

Qitian Pavilion, thirty years ago, overnight, was suddenly destroyed by a force of strength. The hundreds of people in the entire pavilion disappeared without a trace. Back in China, this incident was a sensation.

If Qi Tian Pavilion hadn't disappeared, Zhengyang Sect's sects wouldn't be able to take a head.

Country|Family searched for so long and found no clues. I didn't expect it to appear again after thirty years.

"Master Du has good eyesight!"

Lu You at first admitted Du Zhong's speculation.

Du Zhong snorted coldly: "Huh, Lu Youqi, Qitian Pavilion was a decent leader|person before at any rate, but I didn't expect that after thirty years, you would actually join a cult! Really shameless!"

"Cult? Old thief Du Zhong, what do you know? What is right? What is evil?"

Hearing Du Zhong's words, Lu Youqi suddenly became angry.

"Thirty years ago, the descendant of Lingjiu Palace suddenly appeared in front of the gate of my Qitian Pavilion. Without a word, he killed hundreds of people in my pavilion. If it weren't for me and the senior elder If something was going on, my Qitian Pavilion was destroyed."

"Lingjiu Palace, as the Sejong Gate of the Ancient Seclusion, is decent, right, but what did he do?"

Lu You roared with bloodshot eyes.

Old Jiang glanced at Li Zhen suspiciously, and Li Zhen waved his hand, he didn't know about it.

"Lingjiu Palace?"

Du Zhong cried out in exclamation.

Old Jiang was also a little lost.

The things that have plagued China|China for 30 years have finally found the answer, but whether Lu Youqi said it is true or not is still open for discussion.

But Li Zhen was in a daze. Lingjiu Palace was just a martial art he made up casually. Why was it so inch?

Suddenly, Li Zhen saw a flash of light in Lu Youqi's eyes.

"not good!"

Li Zhen swam towards the road and enveloped him, but it was too late, and his figure became lighter and lighter, slowly turning into a water stain, and then disappearing in front of everyone.

"Ancient Water Escape Technique!"

Du Zhong and Lao Jiang cried out at the same time.

Two psychic powers came out at the same time, but the ancient escape technique was such a powerful escape technique. In such a moment, Lu You had already escaped for nearly a thousand miles since it started.

The two clenched their fists, depressed, and the duck in hand flew like this.

"Two, I have to take a step ahead!"

After Li Zhen finished speaking, the whole person disappeared before the eyes of a few people abruptly.

Old Jiang was startled first, and then roared angrily: "This little king|Bigdan wants to eat alone!"

"Minister Jiang refers to..." Du Zhong said hesitantly.

Lao Jiang said with a gloomy expression: "Yes, this little **** has extremely strong mental power, and he will definitely be able to search for the location where Luyou started. This little **** is afraid of Laozi asking him for something."

Du Zhong couldn't believe it, "That's a kind of ancient escape technique. The speed is the highest in the world. I know Dean Li is very powerful, but... he can't catch up, right?"

"Then search for Li Zhen's trail!" Lao Jiang was in a bad mood, and he couldn't even care about his politeness to the old senior, and said in an angry tone.

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