Godly System: Evolve From a Kitten

Chapter 843: Hopeless Canyon

Du Zhong didn't believe it and found out his spiritual knowledge. After a while, he looked at Lao Jiang blankly.

Perceiving Du Zhong’s gaze, Lao Jiang knew that he hadn’t detected anything, and said depressedly, “I said yes! This little **** is afraid of Laozi stealing him. Is Laozi that kind of person?”

Everyone: "..."

You are not such a person, so what did you participate in sharing the spoils just now? Do you think we are all blind?

It is widely rumored by the relevant departments that Minister Jiang has become indifferent since meeting Li Zhen. They used to be dubious before, but now they have seen it thoroughly.


There is no hope of the canyon, and Lu Yu appears carelessly.

"Madan, so unlucky, why did you meet the evil star Li Zhen!"

"The task arranged by the leader has not been completed, and I lost the Holy Spirit Baby Stone. I will definitely be trained when I go back!"

Thinking of this, Lu You couldn't help but sigh.

"Fortunately, I learned this water escape technique smartly before I came here. The human strength of the earth is not weak, but this technique is too lacking. It is still a good practice in the realm of cultivation. It requires cultivation techniques and resources and resources."

"When I go back to practice for several decades, I will find Li Zhen's trouble again when I come back!"

Comprehension world!

Hearing Lu You's words, Li Zhen, who secretly followed, let out a bright light in his eyes. Could it be that this place, like Jianshan Forest Domain, is a node connected to another world?

If this is the case, then this is not something he can solve alone.

With a wave of his hand, he was suddenly imprisoned while walking slowly. Li Zhen took out his mobile phone and dialed a series of numbers.

"Li Zhen, you keep one-third of the things you get, and leave the rest to the country."

As soon as the phone was connected, Gao Jian and him demanding something came from over there.

Li Zhen is speechless, who are these people he met?

"By the way, you have to solve the poisonous thing!"

Come on, this one is more shameless than Lao Jiang.

It seems that Lao Jiang has already called him.

"No way!" Li Zhen immediately vetoed it. If he was alone, Z Mansion would also need it, but there was still a huge Dongshan Wuyuan behind him.

"Boy, you can't be a little aware of the overall situation!"

In the microphone, there was a very depressed voice.

"Tell you a piece of news, do you want to?" Li Zhen did not answer, but said inadvertently.

"What news? Send things here first!" Gao Jianyi was reluctant.

"Cultivation world!" Li Zhen hung up after speaking!

the other side.

"Oh, oh, good! You hang up, wait a while, we will call you after we discuss it!"

Gao Jian pretended to continue talking on the phone, but it was MMP in his heart. Li Zhen dared to hang up his phone, and when he heard the words "Cultivation World", he knew that he didn't want to come over.

I really don't understand that the spirit pill in Li Zhen's pocket is almost enough for him to cultivate for decades.

"In the future, I have to teach this kid to strengthen his awareness of the overall situation. It won't work!"

Gao Jian thought in his heart, and said to Luan Yunshan who was waiting: "This kid wants to exchange a message for the things he grabbed."

"No, what news is so expensive? Didn't you listen to that **** Jiang Tianping? It can instantly improve the cultivation of ordinary people, and Li Zhen can eliminate the side effects."

"As the dean of the Higashiyama Martial Arts Academy, he is also a public official of the country, and with the money of the country, why doesn't he want to pay for the country?"

Luan Yunshan frowned, a little depressed, Li Zhen, he liked it very much, he was a genius, and he had strength, but how could he be so selfish.

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