Sheng Ying Mountain, Li Zhen wrote down the name, it seems that he will go to Sheng Ying Mountain in the future.

"Why are you here? Qi Tian Pavilion has moved into the realm of cultivation now?" Li Zhen asked faintly, and Zhuang Ruo raised his fist inadvertently.

When Lu Youqi saw Li Zhen's fist, his heart trembled.

It is rumored that Li Zhen's physical power is extremely terrifying, and now he has seen it.

It is hard to imagine how a human being can cultivate the power of the flesh like an ancient barbaric beast.

His Qitian Pavilion is well-known for his tempered flesh body. The physical body of the seventh-rank grandmaster is comparable to the strength of the golden body of the eighth-rank golden body strong. In close combat, he has not feared the eighth-rank grandmaster.

This is also the reason why his Qitian Pavilion is unique in the world of martial arts on the earth, but compared with Li Zhen, it is like a child's play.

And fighting against Li Zhen, he always has the feeling of fighting against a magical soldier. Li Zhen is like a sharp sword. The sharp sword light has hurt you before it approaches you.

How to fight this?

He is not an opponent at all!

Regardless of the physical body, formation or cultivation level, Li Zhen completely crushed him.

Seeing Li Zhen's cold smile, Lu Youqi knew what to choose.

According to Lu Youqi, Qitian Pavilion had already established a sect in the cultivation world more than a hundred years ago. Unlike on the earth, Qitian Pavilion is considered the top sect on earth, but it can only be regarded as a third-rate strength in the cultivation world.

Qi Tian Pavilion didn't do well in the realm of cultivation, and it was a great price to gain a foothold in the realm of cultivation.

Fifty years ago, there were rumors in the realm of cultivation that all worlds should be integrated, so Qitian Pavilion wanted to move the power of the earth as a whole to the realm of cultivation. I did not expect that this idea had just been implemented. The man in purple went to Qitian Pavilion.

How could Qi Tian Pavilion, who had developed in the realm of cultivation for decades, look upon an earthly hermit sect, and the two sides fought each other when they didn't agree.

However, the consequences after the fight were beyond the reach of Qi Tian Pavilion.

Hundreds of disciples and elders in Qitian Pavilion all died under the fist of that person, and only three of them survived because they stumbled into a secret realm.

Over the years, a few of them stayed incognito, cautiously staying alive, looking for a node to enter the realm of cultivation.

The hard work paid off. Just a few months ago, they finally got in touch with their fellow students in the cultivation world, and they were able to enter the cultivation world.

But something depressing Lu Youqi happened.

What they didn't know was that Qi Tiange had long wanted to send people back to the earth to preach, in order to seize an opportunity in the future, so they have been contacting them all these years.

Now that they are finally contacted, the mission of preaching on the earth has naturally fallen on them.

And for a few of them, Lu Youqi had the lowest cultivation base and made the most money, so this missionary task fell on him without any hesitation.

Moreover, the head of the cultivation world ordered him to start a mountain and establish a school here, so Lu You came here to preach.

I just didn't expect that Li Zhen would discover it within half a year of preaching.

"You mean, you don't know anything about this?"

Li Zhen frowned.

Lu You looked depressed and said: "Yes, they dislike my low cultivation base, and they don't tell me anything. They value me, and they obviously treat me as an abandoned child."

As he said, Lu You looked angrily.

Li Zhen said speechlessly: "You don't know how to go back?"

"Then what do I need you for?"

Then he raised his hand!

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