Godly System: Evolve From a Kitten

Chapter 846: Bro Dan Hua Ying

Lu Youqi saw Li Zhen raised his hand and hurriedly said: "Don't, I'm useful, useful!"

His face changed, and at this moment, he truly understood how strong Li Zhen really is.

I am afraid that the real king realm powerhouse will miss Li Zhen if he meets Li Zhen.

What he didn't know was that even if the real king realm powerhouse was cautious, when he encountered Li Zhen, the outcome was still difficult to say.

Li Zhen showed a look of interest, and asked faintly: "What else did you tell me?"

Lu Youqi didn't dare to neglect, and hurriedly said, "I can take you to the realm of cultivation. This boundary is a half-point. Without the power of attraction, no one can enter the realm of cultivation through this boundary."

Li Zhen was a little solemn, and said, "Without your attraction, wouldn't they be able to make it?"

This is very important. Today's earth is still very weak. What if those big forces in the cultivation world discover this boundary and forcefully break through?

"Dean Li can rest assured that this boundary is very unstable. It is impossible for a strong person above the Great Emperor realm to come over. Once the Great Emperor realm strong breaks through, it will definitely cause the space to collapse, and that strong person will be lost in the space forever. In the passage, no one would be so stupid and rush into it."

Lu Youqi quickly promised.

To be honest, he has been living on the earth and has been in the realm of comprehension for less than ten years. He still has a deep affection for the earth.

"What if one of them builds a space teleportation array?" Li Zhenyin asked meticulously, isn't it impossible.

He can already build the space teleportation array. Since there is such an array, besides him, there will naturally be others in this world who will understand it.

"Space Teleportation Array?" Lu Youqi whispered: "This possibility is not ruled out, but the head is very selfish. He will never let other forces know about such a good thing."

"Furthermore, I have been in the cultivation world for ten years, but I have never heard of such a thing as a teleportation array in the cultivation world."

"You have only stayed for ten years, how much can you know?"

Li Zhen sneered.

Ten years of retreat is like a blink of an eye.

Unexpectedly, Lu Youqi became unwilling to hear Li Zhen’s words, and retorted: "Dean Li, I admit that my cultivation level is not as good as you, but I have one advantage. That is to ask for news. Otherwise, how would I know this? Your prestige?"

As Lu Youqi spoke, he patted Li Zhen without a trace.

"Qi Tian Pavilion also took a fancy to me, so that's why I came over to take charge of things here."

As Lu Youqi spoke, his face showed a smug look.

"Tell me about Holy Baby Mountain!"

Li Zhen licked his lips and said suddenly.

Lu You thought for a while, and said: "The cultivation system of the realm of cultivation is a little different from that of our earth. We quench our blood and condense our golden body, while the realm of cultivation is on the golden core road."

Li Zhen was puzzled.

Lu Youqi explained: "Although we also condense the golden core, our golden core will never break the Dan and transform the baby."

"Broken Dan Hua Ying"!

Li Zhen snorted and thought of the two Yuan Ying in his body.

"Could it be that what is in my body is the Nascent Infant practiced by the cultivation world?"

Thinking of this, Li Zhen asked calmly: "What is Podan Huaying?"

Lu Youqi didn't have any doubts, and explained: "The so-called breaking the pill and transforming the infant means breaking the golden core, condensing the emperor infant, cultivating the emperor infant, and finally reaching the state of transforming the god."


"Yes, transform into a **** and become a true god! It is similar to the gods of the Protoss."

"To reach the realm of God Transformation means to be truly immortal and live the same life as the world."

Li Zhen's eyes widened, and he lost his voice: "Immortal?"

He didn't realize that at this moment, Lu You's eyes had changed...

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