Godly System: Evolve From a Kitten

Chapter 847: Think carefully

Lu You was a little proud to see Li Zhen surprised.

He is still a little proud to surprise Li Zhen and other powerful people.

"Aren't the people in the cultivation world immortal?" Thinking of this, Li Zhen thought of a more important thing.

Since they are immortal and immortal, then cultivation needs more resources than those in the Holy Beast Realm.

Because although those strong in the Holy Beast Realm have a long lifespan, there will always be the moment when their lifespans come to an end, while the people in the cultivation realm are immortal. After so many years, their resources are even more scarce. .

The realm of cultivation needs a living environment more than the realm of holy beasts.


Since there are so many powerhouses in the cultivation world and the holy beast world, their resources should be even more scarce than the earth's resources.

The Holy Beast Realm is rich in resources, and it is estimated that the human race is used as a sacrifice, but what about the more powerful cultivation world?

How does it maintain such abundant resources?

Thinking of this, Li Zhen suddenly shuddered, and a vague answer suddenly appeared.

"In the realm of cultivation, is the country|family or sect as the main force?"

Lu Youqi didn't understand why Li Zhen would ask such boring questions, but still honestly replied: "The realm of cultivation is also based on the country | family, but they have an emperor."

"Each sect controls one or several kingdoms, and the larger the power controls, the more mortal kingdoms will be controlled, and even the top powers will directly establish their own kingdoms."

"Did they fight endlessly for years?" Li Zhen asked suddenly.

Lu Youqi said indifferently: "That world is not like this, the earth is a little peaceful, but won't it be the same as there will be war?"

"It's not the same!" Li Zhen snorted in his heart, and the guess in his heart was confirmed.

Yes, it's not the same!

Although there are still wars on the earth today, there are very few wars. Everyone tacitly controls wars within a certain range.

Moreover, Li Zhen discovered a more important point, the strong of the earth...very few!

A small group of monsters in the Holy Beast Realm can almost catch up with the overall strength of Hua|Guo, and the strength of Hua|Guo Wudao Realm is definitely the top power on earth.

Isn't it... all of this is someone, or is there a force behind it?

Thinking of this, Li Zhen's scalp was numb. If that is the case, then this reality is too frightening.

I don't know if such strong men as Gao Jian and Luan Yunshan noticed this?

Also, because Qi Tiange was relying on the cultivation world behind his back, his strength became stronger and he was immediately destroyed. Is this really an accident?

Could it be that Lingjiu Palace is the controlling power of the earth?

No, this should be discussed with Gao Jian and others, or go back to the Holy Beast Realm and ask his father.

"But Dean Li shouldn't think that there is no limit to the power of the god-transforming realm in the monastic world."

When Lu Youqi said so, Li Zhen became interested.

Lu Youqi continued, "Although we are all cultivating Dadao, we are walking our own Dao. Unlike the real world, their Dao is the way of heaven from their world."

"Once the world merges and they come to our world, their strength will decline, because the roads of the two worlds are still slightly different."

"The stronger the person, the greater the restriction he will be. After entering our world, the less dare to take action easily."

"Once you act carelessly and the road breaks down, they will be wiped out."

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