Godly System: Evolve From a Kitten

Chapter 849: Take shame to the extreme

"This mental power..." Gao Jian and the others were discussing how to attack Li Zhen. Feeling this spiritual power, their eyes were round.

"Is it the emperor's peak, or..."

"Old egg, didn't you comprehend the soul road? Can you perceive how powerful this spiritual power is?"

As he said, everyone looked at Luan Yunshan, the only one among the people who understood the soul.

Luan Yunshan didn't have the mind to figure out that Gaojian's tone was wrong just now, he cautiously pointed out his spiritual sense, and then shook his head with an ugly expression.

Everyone frowned and looked into the distance with fear, where...who is it?

"Could it be that a certain hidden boss left the customs?"

"This mental power is very young, not the old ones!"

Luan Yunshan shook his head and said.

"Young?" Everyone was stunned. They still recognized Luan Yunshan's judgment, but young?

Such a powerful mental power, at least a strong person above the Great Emperor realm can bloom. Could it be a young man?

At this time, Luo Xiangming, who had not spoken all the time, suddenly said, "You said, could it be Li Zhen this kid?"

Everyone was startled when they heard the words, then immediately shook their heads and joked. They admitted that Li Zhen was a genius, but they had also seen the Ninth-Rank Alchemist, and they definitely did not have such a strong mental power.

"Let me take a look, Lao Gao, I have a locator on me. If something is found wrong, I will launch a nuclear bomb immediately!" Luan Yunshan's voice came out, and the person had disappeared.

Everyone's complexion looked at the direction Luan Yunshan was leaving.


Li Zhen's evolution point was rapidly consuming, and his mental power was swayed wantonly, looking for traces of the road.

Suddenly, his eyes lit up, he stepped into the air, pointed it as a sword, and lightly stroked a void, which was easily divided into two.


With a muffled noise and a miserable cry, a chubby man fell out.

Fatty's face was dazed, Li Zhen came to Fatty's face, Fatty was startled first, then...fainted.

Li Zhen: "..."

This person swims on the road, but by no means is it on the road before.

Li Zhen frowned and probed around carefully.


The void buzzed, and Luan Yunshan tore through the void.

"Made, is it really your kid?"

Seeing Li Zhen, Luan Yunshan almost fell down.

Li Zhen looked at Luan Yunshan blankly, what the hell? Talking headlessly.

"Boy, take out the good stuff!" Luan Yunshan took a step forward, grabbed the fat man in his hand, and then reached out to Li Zhen. Seeing that it was Li Zhen, he had to say that although he was surprised, he was relieved in his heart. .

Fortunately, it is not the enemy!

Then came a kind of extreme depression. Li Zhencai is so small and his mental power is so terrifying. He has been practicing for hundreds of years. Compared with Li Zhen, he is like a rookie who has just set foot on the path of cultivation.

Li Zhen raised his eyebrows. Although he didn't get along with Luan Yunshan a few times, he knew his character and said angrily: "Old egg, why is your face thicker than Gao Ju|Long?"

When you meet, you will benefit from reaching out. What kind of party is this?

"What's the face? I don't understand, you kid hurry up and show the benefits, you have a share."

Luan Yunshan played a rogue and grabbed Li Zhen's hand, and a force of space enveloped Li Zhen to prevent Li Zhen from escaping.

Li Zhen was speechless, and with this kind of operation, this was the ultimate in his shameless ability.

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