Godly System: Evolve From a Kitten

Chapter 850: Is True King Realm eligible?

"Here!" Li Zhen threw a bottle of the highest concentration of holy water to Luan Yunshan without hesitation.

Luan Yunshan took it excitedly, opened the bottle and wanted to swallow it, but seeing the smile in Li Zhen's eyes, a cold sweat immediately appeared behind his back.

Mad, I just want to eat something good and forget what happened to Lao Jiang before!

"Boy, let me detoxify the inside first." Luan Yunshan threw the jade bottle to Li Zhen again.

Seeing Li Zhen put the jade bottle away, he was depressed, "Boy, let you detoxify, what are you doing?"

"Yes, when I detoxify, I must remember to give it to you! But, I haven't found a way to detoxify yet!"

As he was talking, the void was divided into two, and Old Jiang came over.

"Boy, that mental power was you just now?"

Li Zhen didn't answer him, but asked faintly, "With the martial arts world in charge, why is there a war?"

Lao Jiang didn't think much, and replied indifferently: "There is friction between the two countries. Isn't it normal for war to occur?"

"With the martial arts world's control, can't it be stopped?"

Lao Jiang heard something was wrong and looked at Li Zhen hesitantly, "Does your kid know something?"

Li Zhen glanced at it, and Old Jiang looked confused, he should really not know, but Luan Yunshan's expression is very intriguing.

Hearing what Li Zhen said, his expression was a bit wrong. It seemed that Luan Yunshan knew something, or that he was a participant in this matter, after all, Luan Yunshan's cultivation base was not low.

As one of the leaders of Dongshan Province, Lao Jiang is still being kept secret. It seems that the world is really not simple.

The words of these strong men are not necessarily credible.

"Have you not been to the Holy Beast Realm? Haven't you seen the attitude towards the human race there?"

Born to death with Lao Jiang, this person is still credible.

And just to test Luan Yunshan to see if he knows something.

Hearing Li Zhen's words, Luan Yunshan's eyes really changed, although it was only a flash, but Li Zhen's spiritual sense had locked him, and he was naturally clear.

This guy must know something inside.

Old Jiang frowned when he heard this, and said in doubt: "Then what does this have to do with the question you just asked?"

Luan Yunshan sighed slightly, "Boy, the earth is definitely different from the situation in the Holy Beast Realm."

He was very depressed. It seemed that Li Zhen really knew something.

"What's the difference?" Li Zhen looked at Luan Yunshan.

Luan Yunshan sighed when he heard the words: "Boy, you should know, naturally someone will tell you, if you shouldn't know, you don't need to ask me."

When Lao Jiang heard this, Mao stood upright. It seems that something really happened, but he didn't know, "Ma De, old egg, you didn't tell Lao Tzu what you know. What's more, Lao Tzu is also Dongshan Province education People in the game."

Luan Yunshan glanced at Lao Jiang, then gently shook his head and said, "You were just a small trash fish of Grade 8 before, tell you why?"

Jiang Tianping: "..."

Little trash! This title...

"You idiot, you are only one level higher than Lao Tzu now, what are you so desperate?"

Old Jiang was depressed. Before, he had always thought that he was the top powerhouse of the country. He didn't expect that in the eyes of these Ninth Stages, he was just a small trash fish.

Li Zhen looked depressed at Lao Jiang, Nine-Pin, Nine-Pin, your whole family!

Is there such a powerful ninth product?

You are also the 9th product now, try it with Lao Zhi!

Li Zhen looked at Luan Yunshan and said, "Deputy Director Luan, I wonder if the True King Realm is qualified to know about this matter?"

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