Godly System: Evolve From a Kitten

Chapter 863: The longer I know, the more shocked

At this moment, Li Zhen clearly felt the improvement of his own strength.

Gao Jian, who followed, looked at Li Zhen dumbfounded.

That was...

This kid swallowed the ghost of time in one bite?

Can the ghost of time be eaten?

A mouthful, crunchy?

The key is that he clearly felt that after Li Zhen swallowed that time ghost, his strength instantly improved.

Seeing this scene, Gao Jian had to wonder how he practiced in the previous years.

The longer I know Li Zhen, the more I feel the visual impact.

What else can this kid not do?

Ignoring Gao Jian's surprise, Li Zhen tapped his mental power and found the abandoned warehouse that appeared in the water curtain almost instantly.

Gently tearing his hands, an empty channel appeared, and Li Zhen stepped into it without hesitation.

Gao Jian stared at all this blankly, the Void Channel, which can only be reached by the peak powers of the True King Realm, but this kid is only a Ninth-Rank, not only touched, but also so casual, like drinking cold water happy.

"Lao Jiang, stay here, I'll take a look!"

Gao Jian shouted at Lao Jiang and chased after Li Zhen left.

Seeing the two leave, Jiang Tianping was full of depression. He also saw Li Zhen's powerful strength just now. He also wondered why Li Zhen could improve his cultivation so much in just three days.

If others can't ask, he can.

He and Li Zhen have lived and died brothers!

However, the cult is not dead, and he does not dare to leave. No one can say that the cult will not return.

Moreover, more and more people gathered outside.

There are too many members in the Kingdom of God, and there are still many people who didn’t know before, but in the past three days, after word of mouth, more and more people have learned of the news and are now coming here. .

Thinking about it, Lao Jiang wanted to kick Lu You up!

I feel helpless for the ignorance of those outside.

The registration fee of 100,000, the income was only seen after a year. The churches were not allowed to know the income, saying that it was for confidentiality. This discerning person knew it was a lie at first sight, but there were almost 130,000 people gathered outside .

Among these people were not only people from Yangxin County, but also people from the two neighboring counties, and even a leader from the neighboring county took the lead.

Li Dunru poked his head and glanced at the people outside, and cautiously said to Lao Jiang: "Minister Jiang, do you see if you take care of the public opinion? Let Master Lu go! The kingdom of gods is really not a cult. It must be inside. What's the misunderstanding."

With that said, Li Dunru gave his wife Cai Xiulian a look.

Cai Xiulian suddenly understood and said: "Minister Jiang, if you are concerned about Li Zhen's face, I will talk to him. He listens to this as a mother the most."

Li Xiaoman glared at his parents speechlessly. I really don't know how the brainwashing was done this way. Why are these people so devoted?

Especially her parents, although they are a little greedy for money, they still make sense in the face of big things.

But now... she doesn't know how to persuade.

"Hand over Master Lu!"

"The Kingdom of God is not a cult!"

"The country must permit the existence of the kingdom of God!"

"Please give us ordinary people some room for cultivation!"

Hearing the slogans shouting outside, Lao Jiang was depressed.

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