Yangxin County.

In an abandoned warehouse.

Several people in black frowned.

"The above asked us to arrest people, and then gave no instructions. What does this mean? Let us wait here?"

"That is, Luan Yunshan has searched this **** several times, and sooner or later we will be exposed here."

"It's okay to go to the mountains to hide for a while, but order us to be here, is there anything here?"

Several people in black complained for a while.

They are also scared!

Let's take a look at how many ninth-rank experts have gathered in Yangxin County.

Luan Yunshan, Jiang Tianping, Gao Jian, and an unpredictable Li Zhen, not counting those 7-Rank masters.

Once they were caught, there was almost no possibility of escape. I really don't know what the above thought was.

"You said that the above will not give up us?" Otherwise, how can you leave them here?

"Don't talk nonsense, they must have their reasons for letting us do this."

The one headed scolded.

Hearing him say so, the others stopped talking.

Among them, one person sat cross-legged and dared not speak.

In fact, my heart is full of depression.

He just broke through the master realm, he should have been full of spirits, but he was sent to do the task before his cultivation base was stable.

When he first entered this circle, he used to dream of breaking through the Grandmaster Realm, but he really broke through the Grandmaster Realm. Only then did he discover that the Grandmaster was the beginning of the path of cultivation.

His Li Chu's cultivation base felt unconvincing even when he spoke here.

"Li Chu, go out to buy food!" The leader continued.

Hearing the order, Li Chu did not dare to question, he stood up and walked out.

"I want a roast chicken! The restaurant near Li Dunru's house must add spicy and spicy!"

At this time, a crisp female voice came over.

The masters who were talking were so depressed when they heard the words, they simply didn't hear them.

The girl was too nervous. She was captured by a few of their masters, but she was not afraid at all. She should eat, drink, and drink, as if she was on vacation.


Li Chu was like Mr. Good-tempered, without refuting it.

It was like a mirror in his heart. This is Li Zhen’s girlfriend. The above has not yet let them do it. It has already explained the problem. Otherwise, those eighth grade masters would have been unable to hold back, after all, Lin Zixi is a one A beautiful girl.

He had a hunch in his heart that this time the God Cult might have done so against Li Zhen, a newly emerging talented warrior.

When Li Zhen entered the warehouse in stealth, he was surprised to hear that Xixi asked Li Chu to buy roast chicken.

However, Li Zhen was a little confused when he heard this name, why is he so familiar?

"I think you should let me go. My husband is very powerful, the 9th-Rank Grand Master! God-level alchemist, 9th-Rank refiner, or formation master! Such a person is not something you can provoke. Started."

"Why did you join the cult? For the poor resources? As long as you let me go, I can make you go to the Dongshan Wuyuan as a tutor. The resources you get are definitely more than you have now."

"..." Everyone is heartbroken!

The girl's chanting is coming again!

Two days ago, this girl had to come here for two hours every day, which made them uncomfortable, but they were strictly treated to be kind to them. They were frightened, but to no avail.

Until now, they have nothing to do.

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