Godly System: Evolve From a Kitten

Chapter 865: Goodbye Ye Sheng

Li Chugang walked out of the warehouse, and suddenly, a feeling of tremor and palpitations suddenly appeared.

in danger!

He believes in his instincts, because of this habit, he has escaped from disaster after disaster.

"How can I feel this way? Did they find it?"

Li Chu cautiously poked out his mental power. Once he found something was wrong, he immediately left. As for the old **** in the warehouse, who ordered him to do this and that every day, he would have been bored long ago, and it would be better to die.

Originally, he entered the religion for experience, but now that he has reached his realm, once he finds a place to completely stabilize his cultivation, he can go back.

"No, why do I feel like I'm being stared at?" This feeling is very wrong, and Li Chu's heart is always covered by a cloud of clouds.

At this time, a black shadow suddenly struck.

"Not good! Enemy attack!" Li Chu shouted and walked away from the void.

The reason why he shouted was not really trying to remind those people, but wanting them to divert the enemy's attention.

Who knows that the dark shadow is chasing after him as if staring at him.

Several people in the warehouse heard Li Chu yelling outside, their expressions changed, and immediately got up, wanting to hold Lin Zixi under threat.

Li Zhen felt a little depressed when he heard Li Chu's words. How could Lao Gao be so careless that he was discovered by a Seventh-Rank?

But the exposure will be exposed. He originally wanted to figure it out and see who was behind it, but now those people are about to hold Xixi, and everything is still based on Xixi's safety.

"Spiritual imprisonment!"

A magnificent spiritual force suddenly imprisoned the five masters in midair.

Perceiving this magnificent spiritual power, the five masters were shocked.

What level of power is this?

Just when Li Zhen thought that these people had been imprisoned by him, one of them suddenly broke free of his spiritual imprisonment, turned around and fled, without even having the idea of ​​continuing to hold Xixi.

This mental power...

So familiar!

Li Zhen looked at the man's back in shock.

This person is... Dan Pavilion Ye Sheng!

How could it be him?

Something happened to Pill Pavilion on the way back. Li Zhen thought Ye Sheng was also dead, but he didn't expect Ye Sheng to enter the cult.

"Pavilion Master Ye, come back and have a chat! It's finally hard to meet, I miss you so much!"

Li Zhen said jokingly.

As an alchemist, it is not surprising that Ye Sheng was able to break free of his spiritual imprisonment, but Li Zhen was curious about how he got involved with the cult?

When Ye Sheng heard Li Zhen's words, he escaped faster.

But did he leave?

Once on the road of no return, justice will never be late.

When Gao Jian arrived, someone happened to crash into his arms.


With a muffled sound, he was safe and sound, but the other party flew upside down for more than ten feet and rolled on the ground several times before stopping.

Ye Sheng struggled to stand up, and when he saw the other side, he curled his mouth and fell to the ground again.

Ma Dan, Gao Jian!

Grand Master of Nine Stage!

How is this going?

Lin Zixi, who was chattering endlessly, was taken aback when he heard Li Zhen's voice, and then tears filled his eyes, like the Yellow River flooding, breaking the bank in a second!

"Wow!" The one who was crying was heartbroken, he was tearful and sad!

There was no calmness before, as if Li Zhen had a hallucination just now.

Li Zhen: "..."

With a stroke of one hand, a wave of air untied the rope from her, and the little girl immediately plunged into his arms.

"Big pervert, why did you come here! I'm so scared!"

Several people imprisoned: "..."

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