Miss, are you sure you are scared?

Why don't we feel at all, you are delicious here, just like the Chinese New Year, we all think you are stupid and bold.

It turns out that your old man can cry too!

But to be honest, your old man's cry is true or false!

"Okay, okay, so many people are watching, do business first!"

Unexpectedly, Li Zhen's words provoke Lin Zixi.

The little girl barked her teeth and claws and roared: "You and Luo Tianyi can hug and hug under the big crowd, and you can't do it with me, right? You men are really big pig hoofs!"

It was like a tigress, just a few strokes on Li Zhen's face.

Li Zhen hurriedly comforted Lin Zixi, at this time, Gao Jian also brought Ye Sheng over.

Seeing that Lin Zixi was fine, he was also relieved.

"Lao Gao, help me take a look at Xixi, I'll find that person!"

Li Zhen was a little confused. He always felt that Li Chu's name was a bit familiar, but he couldn't remember listening to it for a while.

"I will go with you too!"

When Lin Zixi heard that Li Zhen was about to leave again, he hugged Li Zhen's waist quickly.

Li Zhen had no choice but to take him with a wave of one hand, and the void broke open. He took a step and appeared three hundred miles away.

Gao Jian was helpless, a little depressed, and one person took all these people back.

"Wang! Li Chu of Cat R, what are you running? Wang! Let the dog master kill you!" A black shadow followed Li Chu with a mouth, barking and cursing.

Li Chu's face was pale, and he wished to immediately turn around and kill the nasty **** dog behind him, but he dare not delay a second now, Li Zhen is here!

"Wang! Cat R's, what run? Gouye is only Tier 6, and you are all seventh grade. Why are you so scared to see Gouye? Wang! Did you do something wrong?"

Li Chu in front of me almost heard a mouthful of blood, Mad, I did not do anything wrong, does it have anything to do with being afraid of you?

Besides, when did Lao Tzu be afraid of you!

"Wow! Cat R, don't run!"

Li Zhen, who had just arrived, heard the familiar dog barking, his face was very dark and meowing. This sound was definitely the **** of Iron Dog.

Li Chu, who was running in front, felt the fluctuation of space on one side, and turned around and ran without thinking about it.

The iron dog was rushing out of joy, but he didn't expect that Li Chu would ran back, bumped into Li Chu, and was hit by Li Chu and flew out.

The dog's nose was sore for a while, the dog's eyes became red, his nose and tears were coming out!

However, it has been looking for Li Chu for a long time, and its dog master has promised to help Wan Lingquan kill Li Chu, and he will naturally do his best.

But the two **** Li Zhen and Iron Madman seemed to have completely forgotten about this matter. They were helpless and had to act on their own.

After a long period of inquiries, I finally found the trace of Li Chu, so he couldn't wait to kill Li Chu, completely ignoring that it was just a Tier 6 dog monster.

Li Chu quickly got up, did not dare to stay, stepped into the air and turned into a flash of lightning.

Li Zhen reached out with his big hand, and a giant palm made up of countless earth elements grabbed Li Chu in his hand and squeezed it gently.


There was a sound of crunching bones.

The giant palm spread out, as if it had never appeared before.

But Li Chu seemed to have broken bones all over his body and fell to the ground softly.

At this moment, the iron dog was so scared that his hair stood up.

Mad, who is this man, so fierce?

Which rank martial artist is this?

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