Godly System: Evolve From a Kitten

Chapter 867: Touch your dog head

At this moment, the iron dog simply crawled on the ground and played dead.

Ma Dan, why are you so unlucky?

The person it was about to assassinate broke through to the seventh-rank grandmaster realm, and it was already very unlucky, and now even more unlucky.

Nine products!

The strongest of the world!

How could the person standing on the top of the pyramid of the world let it meet?

Is it because I didn't read the almanac when I went out this time?

Can't see me, can't see me!

The iron dog's tongue was stretched out, and his whole body was stiff, and the water on his body was sucked away by it, as if it had dried out.

But the next second, the dog's hair all over its body stood up, and the sound of footsteps got closer and closer.

"Mad, if he dared to take a step forward, Lord Gou killed him!" Tie Gou vowed to himself, and then he heard footsteps and approached a few steps.

Iron Dog: "..."

For the sake of them being so obedient, spare them this time!

"This dog is so cute!" came a crisp voice.

"Meow R, you are cute, your whole family is cute! Lao Tzu is the most wise and martial dog in the world!" Tie Gou retorted.

"What's so cute, it's old and old, it can only be eaten by roasting, and it won't be simmered after being stewed, or else take it back and let Xiaorou and others eat it?"

Li Zhen jokingly looked at the iron dog lying on the ground pretending to be dead, but he didn't expect to see him for a while, this product was about to break through the master.

"No, Xiaorou and the others are so small..." Lin Zixi retorted.

Tie Gou suddenly felt that this girl became cute, that is, it is a dog master, how could it be eaten by someone?

"...Why don't we go back and make skewers? Dog skewers! I heard they are delicious."

"String!" Tiegou couldn't help shaking his whole body. It never dreamed that it would become a string one day.


The woman laughed!

"Made, what are you laughing at? Lord Dog wishes you to laugh off your front teeth and speak out!"

But why does that man's voice sound so familiar!

Tie Gougou's eyes revealed an invisible seam, and then just saw a familiar big face plate approaching it, and all those big eyes showed a joke!

Mad, this is...Li Zhen!

"Wang, you're a'human thing'! Dare to scare the dog master!"

The dog opened his mouth and bit down.


With a crisp sound, several big dog teeth fell.


The iron dog screamed!

Tears flowed down, and it pointed at these big dog teeth to attack the enemy, and now it's gone!

I blame Li Zhen, the bastard, why he bullied him so much!

"Master Dog, long time no see, you are still so lively!"

Li Zhen stepped forward and touched the iron dog's head, seeing the soft hair, it felt so comfortable!

The iron dog is fierce and evil, this little king|Ba Laozi dares to touch the head of the dog, really thinking they know him, he will not bite him?

The next second, a spirit pill was inserted into its mouth.

The iron dog was startled first, licked, and then a pair of dog eyes were round.

Meow R's, the eight-level spirit pill!



Is Li Zhen developed?

Eight-Rank Spirit Pill!

Looking at the face of the spirit pill, Lord Gou touched him a few times!

At this moment, Gao Jian appeared, just in time to see Li Zhen holding the spirit pill feeding the dog, he couldn't help but anxiously said, "Stop!"

That's a pill!

I have long heard that this kid Li Zhen is rich in an enemy country, and now he has seen it!

How extravagant it is to feed the dog with the lingdan!

Hearing that someone stopped him, the Iron Dog secretly rejoiced for its wise decision just now, and his mouth was split, and all the horrors flowed down!

It could feel a warm current flowing in its body, and a dam blocked it in front.

At this time, the energy of the spirit pill came over, and the dam broke!

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