Godly System: Evolve From a Kitten

Chapter 868: God, so comfortable

Perceiving this momentum, Gao Jian was taken aback, this is... a breakthrough?

"Made, there is another strong man!"

This is, nine products?

Another nine products!

"Again?" Tie Gou's big dog eyes suddenly widened and rounded. It suddenly remembered that the 9th-Rank aura just now belonged to... Li Zhen?

"Wow! Meow, this **** cat actually broke through the 9th rank! Too bully!"

No wonder it can't bite, the golden body, the ninth grade golden body doesn't know how terrifying it has been tempered.

It is very powerful, but it is not yet a master, Ma Dan, when waiting for the eighth grade of the dog, first condense these teeth into a golden body, and the first bite must be reserved for this **** cat.

This cat must have encountered something good, otherwise it would never be possible to cultivate so fast!

Tie Gou even forgot the Jieyun on the dog's head.

At the moment Jie Yun appeared, Gao Jian's hair on his body stood up, tearing his hands to the void and fleeing away.

Mad, God!

He thought that Li Zhen would follow soon, but waited and waited, Li Zhen did not show up either.

Maybe he left from another direction.

Gao Jian thought, who would wait for the catastrophe to come!

Back to Li Dunru's apartment, Lao Jiang greeted him immediately, and asked anxiously, "Whose calamity?"

Gao Jian was tired and said depressed: "Don't worry, it's not Li Zhen's!"

He saw it at a glance, Lao Jiang was afraid of being pulled too much by Li Zhen.

Glancing at Lao Jiang, Gao Jian is speechless. Is there a difference?

Thinking of the Wanzhang Void Channel that you saw before, and glanced at Lao Jiang, you might not be able to keep up with Li Zhen in your life.

That... is a monster!

Old Jiang breathed a sigh of relief, it wasn't Li Zhen's work!

Now he and Li Zhen are both the 9th rank. He works harder and still has a chance to catch up. If Li Zhen breaks through the real king state, then he wants to catch up, but hopes are not great.

Old Jiang was a little depressed. It was his luck and misfortune to meet Li Zhen!

Fortunately, with Li Zhen, he won't suffer. Unfortunately, with Li Zhen, it makes people feel desperate!

Li Zhenxiu's promotion is so fast!

"Where is Xixi?" Li Xiaoman asked with an anxious look on his face when Gao Jian came back with so many people in black.

"He met a dog, and that dog is crossing the catastrophe. Li Zhen may come back from other places in a while!"

Gao Jian wondered, Li Zhen's speed is so fast, why is it slower than him this time?

"Passing the robbery?"

Old Jiang gave a chuckle in his heart, depressed, and when he encountered Heaven's Tribulation, this little **** was like New Year's Day, do you still expect him to come back?

Gao Jian looked at Lao Jiang, what is your expression?

"Look, when the calamity is over, this kid's cultivation level will definitely improve again!" Jiang Tianping put on a look of lovelessness.

"What do you mean?" Gao Jian wondered, what is the relationship between Heavenly Tribulation and Li Zhenxiu's promotion?

"You'll know later!" Old Jiang said weakly.

"Ding, it is detected that the host has swallowed a robbery thunder, the evolution point is +100,000, and the thunder is +0.1%."

"Ding, it is detected that the host has swallowed a robbery thunder, the evolution point is +200,000, and the thunder is +0.1%."

Li Zhen hummed comfortably when he heard the sound of the system.

He knew that devouring Jie Lei would definitely promote the improvement of Lei Dao, as expected.

The iron dog hid under Li Zhen's feet depressed, his face was full of depression, Mad, this is the catastrophe of the dog, this kid is happier than the dog!

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