Gods and Demons Are Unparalleled

Chapter 846: battle sea monster

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The complexion of the burly man with the sword on his back changed slightly, and he let out a snarl: "Everyone comes to attack and consume its power. I can't cut off its tentacles alone!"

The overlord demon octopus is one of the powerful giant sea monsters in the ocean. It possesses super strength, defense ability, recovery ability, and its physical body is extremely terrifying, far surpassing the strong human race.

That burly man is also a master of the Seventh Layer of Undead Realm, but in that ocean, it is very difficult for him alone to cut off the tentacles of the Overlord Demon Octopus.

Hong Yeyun let out a snarl, his body shook, and like a female leopard, he rushed towards the tentacles of the Overlord Demon Octopus: "Let's go together!"

"It's really troublesome. I will meet a sea monster, and I will still meet such a ferocious sea monster like the Overlord Demon Octopus. It's really bad luck!" Su Han looked at the tentacles of the huge Overlord Demon Octopus, a strange light flashed in his eyes, and his figure In a flash, it flew towards the direction where the Tentacle of the Overlord Demon Octopus was.

The members of Team 1323 also followed Hong Yeyun. Most of them practiced alone, and the masters who survived countless cruel battles naturally knew very well that in danger, the survival rate of a group is many times higher than that of a single person.

A series of incomparably powerful supernatural powers and secret techniques bombarded the tentacles of the huge Overlord Demon Octopus, and exploded.

Under the bombardment of the supernatural powers of those fighters above the seventh heaven of the Yuanshen Realm, the tentacle defense of the huge overlord demon octopus was also declining steadily, and its power was consumed crazily.

The biggest advantage of those high-level warriors over low-level warriors is their speed. Guerrilla warfare is the only way for high-level warriors to defeat a large number of low-level warriors. If it is fixed and does not use any supernatural powers, even a master of the Sky Profound Realm cannot resist the continuous bombardment of supernatural powers by thousands of souls.

Suddenly. Strips of black, snake-like, tiny tentacles with jagged teeth like wild beasts burst out from the endless sea of ​​magic, opened their **** mouths and bit the warriors, pulling hard, Immediately, all the warriors of the Primordial God Realm were pulled into the endless sea of ​​magic.

"Ah! It hurts!"

"Help me! Help!"


Accompanied by the extremely shrill screams, none of the masters of the Primordial Spirit Realm paid attention. Immediately, he was bitten by those sea monsters and dragged abruptly into the deep sea.

Four snake-like tentacles also burst out towards Su Han, opened their **** mouths, and bit towards Su Han.

"Let me see what your main body is!" Su Han's eyes flashed strangely, and he stretched out his hand to grab the four tentacles at once, and pulled them hard.

In the endless sea of ​​demons, one head is as high as ten feet long. There were twenty long tentacles on its body, blue scales all over its body, and the strange fish exuding power fluctuations in the Yuanshen realm was immediately pulled out of the sea by Su Han forcefully.

"This is the sea monster blue-scaled snake bite monster. It is a kind of sea monster that lives in groups. Most of them are sea monsters of the primordial spirit level, and there are also those of the undead level. Their inner alchemy is refined to increase the water attribute. It is a top-level material for kung fu warriors. It is very valuable! Its weakness is the fear of flames." Su Han glanced at the sea monster, stabbed the Five Elements Sword casually in his hand, and a burst of extremely sharp sword energy suddenly broke out. Slashed on the sea monster, and killed the sea monster with a single stroke of the sword.

After Su Han killed the sea monster. With a flip of his hand, he immediately put the sea monster into the storage ring.

In this endless sea of ​​magic, the sea monsters killed by warriors and the trophies obtained by various creatures belong to warriors themselves. This is also an important reason why those strong people are willing to join the big merchants.

In the endless sea of ​​magic, there are many sea monsters, and many sea monsters have extremely precious inner alchemy in their bodies, which can be used to refine various top-notch elixirs. Every time you kill a sea monster, you can get huge wealth. On the spirit boat, a famous warrior displayed powerful supernatural powers and fought fiercely with those sea monsters.

Except for the sea monster with snake-like tentacles, from the endless sea of ​​magic. All kinds of sea monsters still came out continuously, each displaying their supernatural powers, and fought fiercely with many human warriors on the ship.

Countless spiritual lights appeared, sea monsters died, and a celebrity warrior was also killed by those sea monsters. The battle between the two sides was extremely fierce.

"Su Han, come and help!" Hong Yeyun screamed.

Su Han casually beheaded a sea monster in the third heaven of the Primordial Spirit Realm, and looked at Hong Yeyun and his party.

I saw a head as high as ten feet long, covered with a layer of crimson carapace, engraved with mysterious spirit patterns on the carapace, similar to a shrimp, with a pair of large pincers, and a scorpion tail, exuding immortality. Horrifying crustacean sea monster.

Hong Yeyun led the small team to besiege this undead first-layer crustacean sea monster. All kinds of supernatural powers bombarded the sea monster, and all of them were blown away by the shell of the crustacean sea monster.

At this time, in the huge spirit boat, there are battlefields everywhere. More than 30 undead masters of the red leaf caravan made their moves one after another. Take care of this side.

The crustacean sea monster let out a snarl, and suddenly burst into flames. Its speed was extremely fast. It pounced hard, and the huge scorpion tail stabbed, like a shooting star, it directly pierced the body armor of the martial arts masters in the 1323 team, piercing through it. The body of the master of the eighth layer of the primordial spirit realm.

"Sea monsters in the undead realm, it's impossible! We absolutely can't be the opponents of those sea monsters in the undead realm!" Seeing this scene, all the fighters in the 1323 team had a flash of shake and panic in their eyes. The martial artist named Yuanshen Realm Seventh Heaven actually turned around and fled frantically towards the outside.

"Don't run away!" Hong Yeyun let out a snarl, and his figure exploded. He held a high-grade magic weapon-level flaming spear, and stabbed the two fleeing warriors like shooting stars, piercing the two warriors' bodies in one fell swoop. It was terrifying. The flames spewed out from the spear, burning the two warriors together with the primordial spirit to ashes.

With one move, Hong Yeyun killed the two fleeing warriors in the town, and in one fell swoop frightened the members of Team 1323 whose morale had collapsed and who were about to escape.

Hong Yeyun was very handsome, and roared loudly: "We are now on the endless sea of ​​magic. If we leave this giant spirit boat, we will only die. Only by killing those sea monsters can we have a way out. Follow me Let's go together, you cover me! I'll kill this monster!"

"Do it!"

Under the order of Hongyeyun, the remaining seven warriors of Team 1323 activated their magical powers one after another. A huge wind blade, a scorching flame dragon, a dark cloud of insects and other magical powers moved towards the undead realm. A layer of sea monsters bombarded away.

With a wave of the huge pincers of the sea monster covered in its carapace, a wave of terrifying water law surged around its pincers, and with one blow, all the magical powers of the seven 1323 team fighters were wiped out. It was smashed to pieces without any injuries.

"Go to hell!" Accompanied by a scream, Hong Yeyun passed through the energy storm, holding a high-grade magic weapon-level flame spear containing endless flames, like a goddess of war flying out of the flames, fiercely striking the spear It was stabbed on the head of the huge crustacean sea monster.

The power of endless flames erupted in an instant, burning up the Law of Water body protection qi above the forehead of the carapace sea monster, and piercing into the carapace of the carapace sea monster's forehead in one fell swoop.

A look of joy flashed in Hong Yeyun's eyes. She borrowed the power of a high-grade magic weapon-level flame war spear for this blow. If she hits it with one blow, even the masters of the undead realm will be seriously injured: "Success!"

It's just that the next moment, Hong Yeyun's pinched face suddenly became extremely pale. Countless white tentacles containing the law of water gushed out from the wound of the carapace monster, bursting up suddenly, tightly entangled Hong Yeyun and the top-grade magic weapon-level flame spear in her hand.

The terrifying scorpion tail of the carapace monster immediately turned into a streak of light, stabbing towards Hong Yeyun's head.

"I'm going to die!" Hong Yeyun looked at the incomparably terrifying scorpion tail, her pretty face suddenly changed, it became extremely pale, and a look of despair flashed in her eyes.

At this moment, a figure appeared in front of Hong Yeyun, the sword in his hand flashed, and a circle of swords suddenly appeared, covering the terrifying scorpion tail.

In an instant, those terrifying scorpion tails twisted for a while, and with terrifying power, they struck the head of that scorpion-like, crustacean sea monster~www.wuxiaspot.com~ pierced through the carapace The head of the sea monster nailed the crustacean sea monster to the ground, and countless green mucus spewed out from the wounds of the crustacean sea monster and fell to the ground.

"Su Han, he saved me!" Hong Yeyun looked at the figure that appeared in front of her, and thought in shock, "It's so exquisite! That sword is so powerful. It can even withstand the powerhouse of the undead realm The attack is really exquisite."

Su Han stood on the crustacean sea monster, looked around, and frowned slightly.

The situation at this time is very pessimistic, the strength of the Red Leaf Caravan is astonishing, each huge spirit boat has more than 30 undead masters. But there are more sea monsters in the endless sea of ​​magic, and their strength is also stronger.

The huge spirit boats were being pulled to the bottom of the sea almost inch by inch by the Overlord Demon Octopus, but no one in the caravan could stop it.

"It seems that we can only shoot!" With a wave of Su Han's hand, the top-grade magic weapon Tiansha Killing Sword immediately sank into the body of the crustacean sea monster under his feet. (to be continued...)

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