Gods and Demons Are Unparalleled

Chapter 847: Tiansha Killing Sword Advanced

In just an instant, the crustacean sea monster uttered an incomparably shrill scream, and then was devoured by the killing sword of that day, leaving only a pair of carapace.

Su Han flexed his fingers, a flash of spiritual light surged, and that day's evil killing sword immediately turned into a stream of light with endless evil energy, piercing through the protective energy of the overlord demon octopus tentacles, and pierced into the huge tentacles.

The tentacles of the overlord demon octopus still did not loosen under the all-out attack of the burly man in the seventh heaven of immortality. But as soon as Tiansha Killing Sword pierced into its tentacles, its huge tentacles only lasted for a breath, and immediately let go of the huge tentacles, and frantically shrank towards the ocean.

An incomparably terrifying force emanated from the tentacles of the Overlord Demon Octopus, trying to force the evil sword out of the body.

At this time, Su Han's cultivation had already reached the seventh level of the Immortal Realm, and under his control, the power of Tiansha's killing sword was also brought into full play, twisting wildly, continuously devouring the flesh and soul of the overlord demon octopus, along the way. With that huge tentacle, it pierced into the center of the fleshy body of the Overlord Demon Octopus.

As soon as Tiansha Killing Sword pierced into the central core of the overlord demon octopus' body, it immediately sucked it madly, devouring the flesh and blood of the overlord demon octopus frantically.

The Overlord Demon Octopus was in unbearable pain, struggling frantically in the bottom of the sea.

In the incomparably calm endless sea of ​​magic, bursts of waves were set off immediately, and the violent waves slapped on the giant spirit boat wave after wave, but they were completely unable to shake the body that had already merged with the endless sea of ​​magic. Giant spirit boat.

Within three breaths, the Overlord Demon Octopus was devoured by Tian Sha's killing sword immediately, not even the Yuanshen was spared.

A crimson sword light rose from the ocean and fell into Su Han's hand.

The burly man with the seventh level of immortality glanced at Su Han, and a look of shock flashed in his eyes: "The aura of the overlord devil octopus disappeared? Did he kill it? No way! It's just the ninth level of Yuan Shenjing A martial artist from the sky can actually kill a sea monster from the seventh layer of the undead state. This is too heaven-defying!"

With a wave of Su Han's hand, Tian Sha Killing Sword immediately turned into a stream of light and flew out, piercing through one after another sea monsters in the first and second undead realms.

As soon as those sea monsters in the first and second undead realms were penetrated by Tiansha's killing sword, their bodies and souls were immediately swallowed up, leaving only some hard parts left.

Su Han walked through the air and flew towards another giant spirit boat.

On top of this endless sea of ​​magic. The fate of the Hongye caravan and Su Han is closely related. If all the giant spirit boats of the Hongye caravan sink, it will be a huge disaster for Su Han. A little carelessness will also fall.

On the other giant spirit boat, the whole body was crystal clear, like crystal. A ferocious look flashed in the eyes of the sea monster, which looked very similar to a lizard. It opened its mouth to spray, and the law of ice surged, and countless ice cones shot towards Su Han immediately.

The ten-foot-long sea monsters that looked like shrimps also activated the law of water, and streams of water condensed to form extremely sharp water arrows that shot towards Su Han.

"Be careful, Su Han!" Hong Yeyun saw this scene. The pretty face turned pale slightly, and she couldn't help shouting.

This time. There are dozens of sea monsters in the primordial state level using supernatural powers to attack Su Han, and there is even a lizard-like sea monster in the undead state that uses supernatural powers to attack Su Han directly. Even if it is a master of the Immortal Realm, it is very difficult to block this blow, let alone Su Han, a warrior of the Ninth Heavenly Realm of the Primordial Spirit Realm.

Facing the supernatural attack of those dozens of sea monsters. Su Han drew out his sword casually, and an incomparably mysterious sword circle shrank slightly, shrouded in the supernatural attacks of dozens of sea monsters.

The supernatural attack of the warlock head sea monster was instantly distorted by the sword circle, and bombarded the bodies of dozens of sea monsters in a staggered manner. Injure those dozens of sea monsters directly.

With a flick of Su Han's fingers, Tiansha Killing Sword immediately turned into a **** meteor, which suddenly pierced into the tentacles of the Overlord Demon Octopus, frantically devouring the blood essence of the Tentacles of the Overlord Demon Octopus.

The undead masters of the Red Leaf Caravan who were besieging the tentacles of the Overlord Demon Octopus dispersed one after another, attacking other undead sea monsters.

The Overlord Demon Octopus held back a large number of top experts of the Red Leaf Caravan by virtue of its extraordinary defense and resilience, which put the Red Leaf Caravan at a disadvantage.

Now that the masters of the Red Leaf Caravan Undead Realm Seventh Layer were liberated, all kinds of magic weapons immediately bloomed with incomparably bright auras covering those undead sea monsters, severely injuring those sea monsters one by one.

After the tentacles of the overlord demon octopus were pierced by Tiansha's killing sword, it only lasted for a second, and then let out an extremely shrill scream, and sank into the endless demon sea.

The extremely terrifying Tiansha Killing Sword crazily absorbed the soul and flesh and blood power of the Overlord Demon Octopus in the body of the Overlord Demon Octopus, making roars of cheers.

Within a few breaths, the Overlord Demon Octopus was immediately devoured by Tian Sha's killing sword.

Sha Shajian killed countless undead masters that day, and was already close to the edge of advancement. Now, after devouring the overlord demon octopus, he finally broke through the bottleneck in one fell swoop and was directly promoted to the top magic weapon.

After being promoted to a top-grade magic weapon, the Tiansha Killing Sword became even more terrifying and ferocious. Su Han flicked it with his fingers, and the Tiansha Killing Sword immediately pierced through the tentacles of an overlord demon octopus with a billowing evil energy.

In just one breath, the overlord demon octopus immediately turned into fly ash, and all its essence, blood, and primordial spirit were swallowed by Tian Sha's killing sword.

After that day's killing sword devoured the essence, blood and spirit of the Overlord Demon Octopus, he became even more excited. He kept making bursts of sword sounds, flew up automatically, and turned into a stream of light, piercing through the Overlord Demon Octopus one after another. The essence, blood and primordial spirit of the Overlord Demon Octopus were completely absorbed.

On the Hongluan, the flagship of the Red Leaf Caravan, the beautiful girl in charge of the Red Leaf Caravan glanced at Su Han, smiled sweetly, and said to herself: "The super-magic-level Tiansha Killing Sword, this person is also I don’t know how many creatures were killed to raise Tiansha’s killing sword to this level. At the ninth level of the Yuanshen Realm, the skills he cultivated to conceal his cultivation are really tyrannical. If it wasn’t for the sea monster attack this time, I still don’t know In the fleet, there is still this person."

Uncle Wang glanced at Su Han, his eyes flickered, and said coldly: "Miss, do you want to kill him?"

The beautiful girl in charge of the Red Leaf Caravan smiled and said: "Don't touch him! Before he shows obvious malice, absolutely don't touch him. One more friend is better than one more enemy. A powerful master like him. If he can Join our Red Leaf Caravan, and you will definitely become the pillar of my Red Leaf Caravan."

"Yes! Miss." Uncle Wang's eyes flickered a few times, and he fell silent.

Su Han urged the Tiansha Killing Sword to turn into a stream of light, beheading the Overlord Demon Octopus one after another.

After the twenty overlord demon octopuses were all killed by Su Han's Tiansha sword, most of the sea monsters, except for some, chose to retreat into the endless sea of ​​demons.

Seeing those sea monsters all recede into the endless sea of ​​magic, bursts of cheers came out of the giant spirit boats.

All warriors are thankful that they can survive the catastrophe. Moreover, many warriors also began to quickly collect the corpses of sea monsters. Every corpse of sea monsters is a huge fortune, even the masters of the undead level will be tempted.

Su Han flickered, and immediately returned to the team of 1323. He glanced at the team, and saw that there were only 13 members in the team, but now there were only seven people left. The rest of the people died in that wave of sea monster attacks.

Sailing in this endless sea of ​​magic is so cruel and dangerous, a little careless. will fall.

Even experts in the Profound Sky Realm and Heavenly King Realm would not easily venture into the endless sea of ​​magic, because if there is no special magic weapon. Even masters who are as strong as the Heavenly King Realm, once the giant spirit boat they ride sinks, they will be very dangerous. If they are not careful, they will fall into the endless sea of ​​magic.

"Su Han, so you are so strong!" Hong Yeyun gave Su Han a deep look. A complex look flashed in the beautiful eyes, and then the haze on the pretty face disappeared, and he smiled heartily: "Su Han, thank you for saving my life, this kindness. I will keep it in my heart, and if there is a chance in the future, I will repay you you."

Su Han smiled slightly and said, "It's nothing more than a little effort!"

"Su Han, I'm Red Leaf War Bear! This time, it's all thanks to you! If it weren't for you, we would be in danger this time." The burly man who was the first to rush to the Overlord Demon Octopus, who possesses the seventh level of immortality, strode towards Su. Han walked over and said with a bold smile.

After seeing the burly man, Hong Yeyun's expression changed, and he immediately stood up and saluted Hongye Zhanxiong, "Lord Hongye Zhanxiong!"

Hongyeyun is just a team leader, and Hongye Zhanxiong is the commander of the guards of this giant spirit boat, the status gap between the two sides is huge. Even in the Hongye caravan, Hongye Zhanxiong's status is far above Hongyeyun, and he is a big man she needs to look up to.

"Don't be too polite." Hongye Zhanxiong waved his hand casually, took a deep look at Su Han, and said politely: "Su Han, my lady has an invitation, please come with me to see my lady .”

If Su Han hadn't urged the Tiansha Killing Sword just now to kill twenty giant sea monster overlord demon octopuses in a row with the cultivation base of the Immortal Realm Seventh Layer, Hongye Zhanxiong would never have attacked Su Han's mere Yuanshen Realm Ninth Layer Warrior is so polite.

Hearing this, the remaining five Sea Dragon City casual cultivators in the 1323 team immediately showed envy and jealousy in their eyes, and their greedy eyes immediately fell on the Tiansha killing sword held by Su Han's right hand.

The lady of the Red Leaf Caravan, for those casual cultivators, is a high-ranking figure with countless resources and great power. As long as Su Han is favored by the lady of the Red Leaf Caravan, he can definitely be promoted to an immortal master.

The undead realm is a huge hurdle for countless casual cultivators in the Qiankun Xuanyu. Many casual cultivators in the Ninth Layer of the Primordial Spirit Realm died of old age, and they were unable to break through this bottleneck and were promoted to become masters of the Immortal Realm.

Su Han pondered for a while, then smiled and said: "Okay!"

Su Han originally planned to hide his strength and quietly sneaked into the Heiming Continent, looking for the cave of the Emperor Changsheng. But now that his strength has been exposed, he has no intention of continuing to hide it.

In an elegant room on the top floor of the Hongluan where you can see the sea view.

Su Han strode into the private room, and saw a beautiful girl with long black hair, full of classical beauty, and a peerless face sitting quietly beside a jade table, leaning against the window, looking out the window It looks like a beautiful picture scroll.

On the jade table, there was a jade plate, and in the jade plate were two spiritual fruits that exuded blue aura and flickered. Beside the jade saucer was a pot of clear tea, and the fragrance of tea permeated from the tea pot, covering the elegant room.

Su Han smelled the scent of tea for a while, and immediately felt the aura in his body move slightly, and the movement became a little faster than before. Obviously, the teapot contained top-level spirit tea.

The beautiful and elegant girl who looked like a picture scroll, full of classical atmosphere, turned her head to glance at Su Han, and smiled sweetly, like a hundred flowers blooming, as if brightening up the entire private room: "I am the tenth man of Hailong City." Hongye Shuanghua, the first successor of the Hongye Caravan of the Great Chamber of Commerce. Su Han, I am very happy that you can come to see me."

Su Han sat beside the jade table, smiled slightly and said, "I am Su Han, the true disciple of the Ancient Sword Sect Destruction Sword Palace."

Hongye Shuanghua smiled slightly~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The smile was full of sincerity: "Ancient Sword Sect, so you are a true disciple of the Ancient Sword Sect, no wonder you are so powerful. It's a pity, I wanted to draw you into our What about the Red Leaf Caravan?"

Su Han smiled modestly and said, "My strength is just average."

A flash of splendor flashed in Hongye Shuanghua's beautiful eyes. She looked at Su Han with a serious face, and said in a deep voice, "Su Han, these sea monsters came here a little strangely. Our Hongye caravan has been in recent decades, and all the fleets have Sunk in this endless sea of ​​magic, I suspect that someone is specifically targeting our red leaf caravan. This time, I am afraid that we will have to rely on your power to get through this endless sea of ​​magic. Please lend me your strength. "

Su Han smiled lightly and said: "My goal is the Heiming Continent. Before arriving in the Heiming Continent, we are all on the same boat. I will try my best to protect our boat."

Hongye Shuanghua smiled sweetly, holding the teapot in her jade hand, poured a cup of clear tea and handed it to Su Han: "Tea, please!"

Su Han picked up the cup of tea, took a sip, and a fresh fragrance poured into his mouth immediately. The faint tea fragrance permeated his mouth, and a cool air flow directly submerged into his sea of ​​consciousness. In the process, his comprehension increased a little. (To be continued..)

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