Gods and Demons Are Unparalleled

Chapter 848: General Shrimp

A gleam flashed in Su Han's eyes, and he praised: "Good tea! What kind of tea is this?"

That cup of clear tea could actually increase Su Han's comprehension a bit. The effect of this cup of clear tea is already comparable to the tea leaves refined from the leaves of the tree of wisdom.

Ordinary warriors who drink this peerless spiritual tea for a long time will greatly improve their martial arts comprehension. As long as they continue to work hard, they will be able to transform and evolve into martial arts geniuses.

Hongye Shuanghua smiled sweetly, and pushed a palm-sized jade box in front of Su Han: "This is a specialty of the Heiming Continent, Longfeng Immortal Tea. Every year in the Heiming Continent, only one catty can be picked. Longfeng Immortal Tea. The local price is about 300 yuan for one or two top-quality spirit crystals. If you like it, here is a box, please accept it."

Su Han took a look at the jade box, and accepted the jade box without hesitation: "Thank you very much!"

Su Han has the tree of wisdom in his hands, but the tea leaves refined from the leaves of the tree of wisdom can no longer improve his understanding, it can only replenish his consumed spiritual knowledge and calm his mind.

Since the Longfeng Immortal Tea can improve Su Han's understanding of martial arts, even if it is only a little bit, he will not be polite.

In the Qiankun Xuanyu, there are countless secret treasures, countless martial arts talents, and the resources are extremely huge, as vast as the sea. If you want to reach the top among countless arrogance, you cannot let go of a chance.

"Who the hell? It's so bold to kill my captive pet, Overlord Demon Octopus! Hurry up and die!"

Suddenly, from the endless sea of ​​demons, there was a huge roar that shook the sky and shook the earth.

The terrifying sound vibrated, spread in all directions, and reached the ears of everyone in the Red Leaf Caravan.

In the endless sea of ​​magic, the waves are churning and rolling, and the head of a shrimp is as high as two feet. Holding a bone battle halberd, covered in a layer of red armor, exuding a fierce aura, the powerful sea clan who has the eighth level of immortality and the cultivation of rebirth from a drop of blood came on the waves.

Beside the monster with the head of a shrimp and the body of a human, stood three thousand people wearing red armor, one foot tall. A master of the Sea Clan with a cultivation level above the eighth level of the Primordial Spirit Realm.

On the giant spirit boats, when all the warriors saw the monster with a shrimp head and a human body, a look of nervousness flashed in their eyes.

This Sea Clan army alone was enough to make the Red Leaf Caravan pay a huge price to defeat it. But this place is in the endless sea of ​​magic. The Sea Clan can continuously receive support from all directions. Once there is a conflict, even if they win and avoid the catastrophe, the next time the Sea Clan attacks, it will be when the Red Leaf Caravan sinks.

"Su Han. I'll take care of things first." Hongye Shuanghua glanced at Su Han with an apologetic face, and then flew out immediately.

While Su Han was thinking, his body swayed slightly, and he disappeared from the spot without sound.

Hongye Shuanghua flew onto the Hongluan, looked at the monster with the head of a shrimp in the seventh layer of immortality, and said with a calm smile: "I am Hongye Shuanghua, the head of the Hongye caravan. May I ask where you are?" A sea general?"

A fierce gleam flashed in the eyes of General Demon Shrimp. He gave Hongye Shuanghua a deadly look, and said coldly: "I am the General Demon Shrimp who guards this sea area. Those sea monster overlord Demon Octopuses are my captive pets! How dare your caravan kill my pets? This is a naked provocation to me! Hand over the murderer who killed my pet, and compensate me for the loss of three million top-quality spirit crystals, and this matter is over. Otherwise, I will definitely make all of you **** human races sink here In the endless sea of ​​magic, become a slave of our sea clan!"

"Three million top-quality spirit crystals!"

"Totally impossible!"

"This kind of astronomical figure is simply impossible to come up with!"


On the Red Luan. All the warriors gasped when they heard those words. Treasures like top-grade spirit crystals are incomparably precious strategic materials anywhere in the universe.

In the Horned Demon Realm, the prince of Jiejiaozhou, Jiaomo Changtian, took hundreds of years to collect one million top-quality spirit crystals. The magic shrimp asked for three million top-quality spirit crystals as soon as he opened his mouth. Obviously there is no sincerity in any peace talks.

Although the Red Leaf Caravan is very rich because of the ocean trade in the endless magic sea, it is as rich as an enemy. The assets of the caravan exceeded 50 million top-quality spirit crystals, but in a hurry, it was absolutely impossible to produce 3 million top-quality spirit crystals.

Hongye Shuanghua remained calm, smiled lightly, and said neither humble nor overbearing: "General Demon Shrimp, our Hongye Chamber of Commerce may have signed an alliance with the princess of the Sea Dragon Empire. We can sail freely in this sea area. Reason, don't stop."

Hongye Shuanghua flipped her hand, and a crystal appeared on her jade hand, and auras of aura burst out from the crystal, showing the scene of the overlord demon octopus attacking the spirit boat in the void: "Just now we Being attacked by the Overlord Demon Octopus, it must not have been ordered by you, the Demon Shrimp, right? If you ordered it, then you have disobeyed the order of Her Royal Highness! Her Royal Highness will not let anyone who disobeys her order be spared."

General Demon Shrimp saw this scene, and the face of the shrimp was slightly distorted, and his arrogance was restrained a lot. The princess of the Sea Dragon Empire is not something it can resist.

Hongye Shuanghua smiled slightly and said, "It's better to turn this matter into a big one and make it a small one. Let's pretend it never happened. What do you think?"

In the endless sea of ​​demons, there were many dangers, even though Hongye Shuanghua knew that the general of the demon shrimp had bad intentions, he could only choose to compromise. Otherwise, the Demon Shrimp general would go berserk, and for the Hongye caravan, it would be a lose-lose situation.

There was a strange light in the eyes of General Demon Shrimp. Seeing the lewd light in Hongye Shuanghua's eyes, he licked his lips and said with a ferocious smile: "Let's do it! You sleep with me for ten days, and I'll just let it go."

Hongye Shuanghua's pretty face suddenly darkened, and her voice suddenly became extremely cold: "General Demon Shrimp, don't you fear the might of Heaven from His Royal Highness the Eldest Princess?"

A look of ferocity flashed in the eyes of General Demon Shrimp, and he said in a cold voice, "Your Highness? As long as I kill all of you waste humans, Your Highness will not stand up for you dead people."

"General Demon Shrimp, you actually want to kill my friend. How dare you!"

At this moment, in the endless sea of ​​demons, there was a toss and roll, nine heads as long as ten feet long, hard dragon scales all over the body, fish fins and thick limbs on the body, sharp dragon claws on the limbs, The head is like a shark-like monster of the sea tribe, the dragon sea shark, pulling a twenty-foot-wide pearl shell engraved with countless mysterious runes, rising from the ocean.

Inside the pearl shell, there is a big scorpion made of countless precious sea spirit grasses and sea monster skins. On that big table, sat a man wearing a white spirit armor, with an extremely **** figure, skin as white as jade, long azure hair, eyes as beautiful as sapphires, and a sharp dragon horn growing on his forehead. Her face was peerless, not inferior to Jiang Fenger's peerless beauty.

Beside the pearl shell, stood two hundred burly, handsome sea dragon masters with dragon horns on their heads, exuding a terrifying aura of immortality.

In addition, there are a thousand warriors of the Demon Whale Clan who are ten feet tall and have countless magic patterns engraved on their bodies, exuding a tyrannical aura, and a thousand strong fighters of the Demon Shark Clan who are three feet tall and have countless magic patterns engraved on their bodies. Those who were fully armed stood behind the sea dragon master.

The Demon Shark Clan and the Demon Whale Clan are the strongest clans in the Sea Dragon Empire, second only to the Sea Dragon Clan. The masters in the clan are like clouds and the strong are like rain. These two races are also similar to the big monsters, with strong talents. After they reach adulthood, they can directly evolve into masters of the Primordial Spirit Realm level. The geniuses in both races can be promoted to become the powerhouses of the Immortal Realm. At the same time, the masters of the two races are at the same level, and only the warriors of the Sea Dragon Race can beat them, and the rest of the Sea Dragon Race are not their opponents.

"Big...big.....His Royal Highness Princess!" When General Magic Shrimp saw the magnificent beauty sitting in the pearl shell, his complexion suddenly changed, his voice became stuttering, and endless flashes flashed in his eyes. The color of horror.

The princess of the Sea Dragon Empire raised her phoenix eyebrows, and shouted at the Demon Shrimp General: "Magic Shrimp General, the Red Leaf Caravan has signed an alliance with me, and can freely sail in the endless magic sea without being hindered by anyone. How dare you How dare you go against my order and intercept the Hongye caravan! Tell me, who ordered you to do this?"

The magic shrimp general knelt on the waves, and kowtowed to the princess of the Sea Dragon Empire, with cold sweat streaming down his back, he said in a panic, "Your Highness, it's the Black Sea caravan! They gave their subordinates 100,000 top-grade spirits Jing, ask your subordinates to sink the fleet of the Hongye caravan. They provide their subordinates with a place to travel for the Hongye caravan. After the subordinates sink the fleet of the Hongye caravan, everything in the Hongye caravan will belong to them Download everything ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and it turned out to be like this!"

"Damn the Black Sea caravan! Damn beast!"

"What a bastard, it's disgusting to do this!"


When the masters of the Red Leaf Caravan heard this, their eyes flashed with anger. The Black Sea Caravan is one of the top ten caravans in Sea Dragon City, and it is rival to the Red Leaf Caravan. The struggle between the two sides has been going on for nearly a millennium.

The Black Sea caravan actually used vicious methods such as buying off the general of the sea clan and forcing the merchant ship of the Hongye caravan to sink the merchant ship of the Hongye caravan, which caused the eyes of the expert guards of the Hongye caravan to shine with incomparable anger.

The princess of the Sea Dragon Empire glanced at the general of the magic shrimp and said coldly: "Drag it down and seal its mana. After returning to the East Pole Palace, we will have a trial!"

Two warriors from the first level of Immortality Realm of the Sea Dragon Clan immediately stepped forward, took out sharp needle-shaped magic treasures and ancient needles, and stabbed at the magic shrimp general. (To be continued..)

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