Gods and Demons Are Unparalleled

Chapter 849: Sea Demon Swordfish

Please remember the URL of this site:; Please recommend the publicity introduction to your QQ group [Weibo/WeChat] forum post bar! The ancient needle of Fengfa was pierced into its body: "Your Highness, spare me! I was just confused for a while, and I didn't intend to offend you, Your Highness! Your Highness, spare me!"

As soon as the ancient magic-sealing needles entered the body of the magic shrimp general, they immediately suppressed and sealed all the magic power of the magic shrimp general, leaving the magic shrimp general with only the power of the physical body.

From the beginning to the end, the magic shrimp general never thought of resisting. This is the power of the power of the Hailong Empire. With one order, even General Demon Shrimp, a powerhouse at the eighth level of the immortal realm with bone regeneration level, cannot disobey the order of the Sea Dragon Empire.

With a sweet smile on Hongye Shuanghua's face, she greeted the princess of the Sea Dragon Empire: "Sister Bibo, fortunately you are here! We haven't seen each other for a long time!"

"Sister Shuanghua, long time no see." A look of joy flashed in the depths of the beautiful and crystal blue eyes of the eldest princess of the Sea Dragon Empire. General Shrimp is a trash whose strength is mediocre, but the thirty overlord demon octopuses he raises in captivity are also top-notch existences among the giant sea monsters. Even experts in the Profound Sky Realm can't easily deal with them. How do you solve them? their?"

The overlord demon octopus cultivated by General Demon Shrimp has an extremely tenacious vitality. With the blessing of the endless demon sea, its vitality is even comparable to that of a strong person in the Profound Sky Realm.

Even a master of the Profound Sky Realm would find it difficult to hunt down those extremely powerful Overlord Demon Octopuses hidden in the depths of the endless Demon Sea. If a master of the Profound Sky Realm enters the endless sea of ​​demons, he may even be swallowed by the overlord demon octopus. Such a giant sea monster was killed more than 20 heads by the Hongye caravan, which naturally made the princess of the Sea Dragon Empire a little curious.

Hongye Shuanghua smiled, and introduced Su Han who had already walked to her side to the princess of the Sea Dragon Empire: "Sister Bibo, this is Su Han, a master of the ancient sword sect. Killed by an octopus."

The eldest princess of the Sea Dragon Empire glanced at Su Han, and a strange light flashed in her beautiful eyes. She smiled heartily and said, "Su Han? I am Hailong Bibo, the eldest princess of the Sea Dragon Empire. I am very glad to meet you."

"The owner of the unparalleled warrior physique! It's a pity that she is the eldest princess of the Sea Dragon Empire, and it is absolutely impossible for me to use her. What a pity!" Su Han glanced at Hai Long Bibo. A look of pity flashed in the depths of his eyes, and he immediately smiled and said, "I am Su Han, the ancient sword sect. I am very glad to meet you."

Hongye Shuanghua smiled and said, "Sister Bibo, I made Longfeng Immortal Tea, let's go have a drink together!"

Hailong Bibo twitched his mouth slightly, and said with a hearty smile: "Longfeng Immortal Tea? That's a very good tea! The Longfeng Immortal Tea in my palace is out of stock, and this year's tribute for you, you should use Longfeng Immortal Tea. "

A giant caravan like the Red Leaf Caravan would sail in the endless sea of ​​magic without the support of the Sea Clan. In this endless sea of ​​magic, it has definitely sunk long ago. If the Red Leaf Caravan wanted to gain the support of the Sea Clan in the endless sea of ​​magic, it would naturally need to pay a huge amount of offerings every year.

Hongye Shuanghua smiled and said, "Okay! Sister Bibo, this way please."

The three of Su Han came to the elegant room again.

Hai Long Bibo took a sip of Longfeng Immortal Tea, stretched his brows, relaxed his expression and said, "Good tea! Longfeng Immortal Tea is indeed a top-level immortal tea, and it is also a good tea brewed by you, Shuanghua. It's a taste. It's much better than the tea masters in my palace. I really want to marry you home!"

"Sister Bibo, you really know how to joke." Hongye Shuanghua pursed her lips and smiled. Beauty is indisputable, and the topic changed: "Sister Bibo, why did you come here? This is not your territory."

A hint of sarcasm flashed in Hailong Bibo's eyes and he said with a light smile: "I just led troops to suppress a group of rebellious mermaids! Those mermaids are really a bunch of idiots, but they just came out with a master of the seventh level of immortality who wanted to rebel against our Sea Dragon Empire. I really don't know how to live or die."

In that endless sea of ​​magic, it is extremely vast. There are also countless sea people. The Sea Dragon Empire ruled most of the entire Endless Demon Sea. In the endless sea of ​​magic, it is the largest force. However, the endless sea of ​​magic is extremely vast, and in that sea of ​​endless magic, there are also many powerful top forces and terrifying powerful races.

every year. Within the rule of the Sea Dragon Empire, there will be many sea clans rebelling. Those Sea Clan rebellions were manipulated by other powerful forces, testing the reality of the Sea Dragon Empire.

There is no eternal dynasty. In the past, the Sea Dragon Empire took advantage of the decay and decline of the Whale Dragon Empire to overthrow the Whale Dragon Empire in one fell swoop, created the Sea Dragon Empire, and dominated the entire endless sea of ​​magic.

If the Sea Dragon Empire has decayed, then hidden in the endless sea of ​​magic, those top forces will also swarm up and tear the Sea Dragon Empire to pieces.

If the Sea Dragon Empire is still strong and prosperous, the many forces in the endless sea of ​​magic will hide their minions and submit docilely.

The two girls, Hongye Shuanghua and Hailong Bibo, had a very happy conversation. The two talked about each other constantly, and they were so intimate that it was difficult for outsiders to penetrate between them.

After Su Han calmly drank three cups of Longfeng Immortal Tea, he immediately got up and said, "It's getting late, and I'm tired too. I'll go back and rest first."

"Please wait a moment." Hongye Shuanghua glanced at Su Han, and said calmly, full of majesty: "Qing'er."

"Yes! Miss!" A bright and lovely young girl about 17 or 18 years old, dressed in Tsing Yi, walked over immediately.

Hongye Shuanghua said lightly: "Take Mr. Su Han to the Tianzi-level wing room to have a good rest."

"Yes!" Qing'er walked towards Su Han in suspense, and said with a sweet smile: "Master Su Han, please come with me."

Su Han smiled slightly, followed behind Qing'er, and came to a very elegant box.

Qing'er also followed Su Han into that elegant box, her pretty face blushed slightly and said: "Mr. Su Han, if you need anything else, just tell the maidservant."

Su Han waved his hand and said, "Get back!"

Qing'er left the box with a little disappointment: "Yes!"

Su Han set up more than a dozen defensive magic circles in the box, and after completely isolating the whole box, he began to practice and comprehend the supreme martial arts.

As night fell, endless darkness shrouded the endless sea of ​​magic.

"Not good! Enemy attack! Enemy attack! There is a huge sea monster moving here!"

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack!"


Huge alarm sounds sounded in the huge spirit boats.

The supernatural powers of investigation are engraved in that giant spirit boat, unless it is a sea monster with hidden supernatural powers above the Sky Profound Realm, it is possible to hide from the giant spirit boat's detection.

However, among the Sea Clan, many giant sea monsters are powerful and extraordinary in combat power, and they don't know how to practice concealment. Therefore, to sail in the endless sea of ​​magic, such a giant spirit boat is an indispensable magic weapon for the strong on land.

Squads rushed out of the spirit boat one after another, and came to the deck of the giant spirit boat. On the deck, there were countless more masters of the red leaf caravan.

With a flash of his figure, Su Han also flew out of the box and landed on the deck of the Red Luan, looking into the distance, his eyes flashed with solemnity.

In the distance, the waves are churning and rolling. Its head and body are thousands of feet long. On its head is a single horn that is hundreds of feet long. There are mysterious runes tattooed all over its body, and it exudes the terrifying aura of the seventh heaven of immortality. Then they galloped towards the red leaf caravan.

The sea monster devil horned swordfish exuding the terrifying aura of the seventh heaven of immortality has as many as a thousand heads, and in the endless sea of ​​magic, their vitality is comparable to that of the weakest Sky Profound Realm warrior.

Looking at the nearly one thousand sea monster devil-horned swordfish, on the deck, the faces of the masters of the Red Leaf Caravan turned extremely pale, and a look of despair flashed in their eyes.

Once those thousand monster horned swordfish collide with the giant spirit boat, their magic horns will penetrate the defense of the giant spirit boat, penetrate and destroy the giant spirit boat.

This sea monster, the magic-horned swordfish, is one of the sea monsters that human caravans are least willing to encounter. Even if a strong person with a rank of the Sky Profound Realm sits in command, encountering such a sea monster, the magic-horned swordfish, is still very dangerous .

"It's too bad, I have to kill all these guys!" Su Han's expression changed suddenly when he saw the sea monster monster horned swordfish, and with a wave of his big hand, the Tiansha killing sword flew out suddenly, turning into a In an instant, the evil light pierced into the body of a sea monster, the devil-horned swordfish.

Between two breaths, the thousand-foot-long sea monster devil-horned swordfish was immediately sucked clean by Tiansha's killing sword, and turned into fly ash~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This is Tiansha, the treasure of innate killing Kill the sword? It really is a first-class peerless fierce sword! "Hailong Bibo stood among the guards of the masters of the sea clan, seeing the power of Tiansha's sword, a strange light flashed in her beautiful eyes.

With a single blow, it immediately killed an undead seventh-level sea monster, the magic-horned swordfish, and even the opponent's soul couldn't escape. Even the sea dragon Bibo attached great importance to the power of Tiansha's killing sword.

After Su Han killed the seven sea monster monster horned swordfish, those sea monster monster horned swordfish dived into the endless magic sea one after another, and continued to rush towards this side.

The endless sea of ​​magic has a strange power, which can greatly weaken the detection of a warrior's spiritual consciousness. As soon as those sea monster horned swordfish dived into the endless magic sea, it became more difficult for Su Han to locate them.

Su Han frowned slightly, and immediately made a calculation while thinking about it: "No, if this goes on, with my own strength alone, at most, I can only defend a few giant spirit boats such as the Hongluan. The rest of the spirit boats will be sunk! Unless I use all my strength and trump cards, it will be possible to save the entire fleet without damage." (To be continued...)

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