Gods and Demons Are Unparalleled

Chapter 852: Suppress the 3 Great Demon Generals

The two powerhouses, Demon Snake General and Demon Crab General, also nodded slightly.

The Sea Clan is naturally in harmony with the laws of water, and it is very easy for them to practice the water escape technique, and the water escape technique is also several times stronger than land warriors of the same level.

In this endless sea of ​​demons, there is also a world where the strong are respected and the weak prey on the strong. The three great demon generals were able to cultivate to the realm of immortality and rebirth from a drop of blood, and they have experienced many battles. They are also very aware of the importance of the escape technique. Each of the three of them mastered a top-notch evasion technique.

Even if it is a master of the Profound Sky Realm who cultivates the law of water on land, once he enters the endless sea of ​​demons, the three major demon generals are confident that his speed will surpass the masters of the Profound Sky Realm on land.

"Also, the tracking helper we need has arrived!" The demon eel general glanced backward.

Behind that, fifty sea monsters with sharp bodies like sharp swords, flat and slender heads, engraved with natural magic patterns on the heads, and only five feet long, flew towards this side immediately.

This sharp-bodied sea monster is the Sea Demon Sword Dog, a terrifying sea monster that tracks down the enemy. As long as a trace is left in this endless sea of ​​magic, this kind of sea magic sword dog can track the enemy.

The spirit pattern on the forehead of the sea magic sword dog surged and flashed continuously, and ripples of power that were invisible to the naked eye spread in all directions.

Under the shroud of the ripples of power, any traces were absorbed by the Sea Demon Sword Dog.

After dozens of breaths, the sea magic sword dog had a flash of inspiration, and immediately swam in one direction like a sharp arrow.

"We found his traces! Let's go!" The demon eel smiled excitedly, swayed his figure, and urged the speed of water escape, and followed the sea demon sword dog.

The two strong men, Demon Snake General and Demon Crab General, followed beside the Sea Demon Sword Dog.

After an hour. In a sea area of ​​​​the endless magic sea.

Su Han transformed into a swordfish-like sea monster by using the Heavenly Demon Transformation Skill, and swam towards the depths of the endless sea of ​​magic. The net covered a range of thousands of miles.

Suddenly, Su Han's whereabouts moved slightly, and he noticed the pursuers behind him. A horrified look flashed in his eyes: "What's going on? How did they catch up? I have already used the demon transformation skill to transform into a sea monster .How could they have found my whereabouts?"

Su Han immediately made a judgment in his mind: "Three powerful Sea Clan experts who have been reborn from a drop of blood! They must be dealt with quickly! Find out the reason, otherwise, it will be troublesome if the old monsters from the Sky Profound Realm catch up. !"

Su Han turned around, his body was surrounded by blue light, and the law of water surged, as if he had merged into the water flow. With his thoughts, he plundered towards the three strong men of the sea tribe who had been reborn from dripping blood.

A cunning flashed in the eyes of the Demon Snake General. Loudly persuaded him to surrender: "Human boy, you have nowhere to escape! Surrender now! As long as you surrender, I can say a few words for you in front of the Lord and save your life. Otherwise, in this endless sea of ​​magic In the middle, you have no way to escape, and in the end you can only die."

Su Han flickered, and appeared in front of the three generals, and asked slowly, "How did you find me?"

A cold light flashed in the magic eel's eyes. With a pinch of both hands, a lightning halberd suddenly erupted. It turned into a bolt of lightning and suddenly struck towards Su Han. The lightning halberd is the innate lightning supernatural power of the demon eel general, if he is not prepared, even a master of the Sky Profound Realm of the Sea Clan will be injured by electricity.

The magic crab will smile ferociously, the law of space surges, and disappears from where it was in an instant. Appearing under Su Han in an instant, the six crab claws suddenly swelled up a circle, containing an extremely powerful law of space, and cut towards Su Han.

The magic snake will also activate its supernatural powers. Opening his mouth wide and spraying, a mass of black poisonous mist full of decay and death breath turned into a terrifying storm of poisonous mist and swept towards Su Han.

The three strong men who were reborn from a drop of blood didn't want to make peace with Su Han at all. They were just trying to stabilize Su Han, so the snake general said something more to Su Han.

"You are really looking for your own death!" Su Leng smiled coldly, moved the Thunder Emperor's body, stretched out his hand to grab, countless thunder lights surged in his left hand, contained endless laws of thunder and lightning, and grabbed the thunder and lightning halberd.

The Thunder Halberd fell into Su Han's hands at once, and when he operated the method recorded in the Nine Transformations of Xuanlei, his body seemed to transform into a huge black hole, instantly devouring the Thunder Halberd and turning it into his own use.

In an instant, the five-element sword in Su Han's hand instantly burst into a little sword light, and the four layers of artistic conception merged, and sword lights gushed out from the void, and chopped on the body of the crab general. During the confrontation, the devil crab general was chopped into countless pieces immediately, and blood splattered everywhere.

Facing the terrifying storm of poisonous mist, Su Han circulated the Nine Heavens True Water Jue, opened his mouth and sprayed it, a seed of the Five Elements flew out suddenly, sucked it hard, and frantically absorbed the thick poisonous mist into the five elements. Kind of middle.

"Not good! Help me!" Su Han cut the demon crab into countless pieces, and there was a terrified roar from among the countless pieces.

The countless fragments surged and stuck together, and under the shroud of an abundant and powerful law of life and death, they quickly condensed to form the figure of the devil crab general.

A solemn look flashed in the eyes of the two powerhouses, Demon Eel General and Demon Snake General, and they shot up. One of them was holding a top-grade magic snake spear and the other was holding a top-grade magic eel halberd towards them. Su Han attacked. Their strongest supernatural powers were easily broken by Su Han, and they could only use magic weapons to activate martial arts to fight Su Han.

Su Han flipped his hand, and the black lotus real jade bowl, the top-quality magic weapon, appeared in his hand immediately. The aura flashed, and the countless black lotus flowers contained powerful law fluctuations, which turned into two black lotus magic circles. The magic snake trapped two top masters reborn from a drop of blood into the black lotus magic circle.

"Damn it! Break it for me!" The magic eel screamed crazily in the black lotus law, spewing out terrifying power fluctuations, countless lightning flashes, and continuously penetrated the black lotus law, causing countless black lotuses to collapse, Then more black lotuses poured in, trapping it firmly.

The Demon Snake General opened his mouth and sprayed out, an extremely thick and corrosive poisonous mist spewed out, corroding the black lotus and completely collapsed. It's just that the black lotus had just collapsed, and immediately took shape again, covering the body of the snake general, surrounding the snake general so that it couldn't get an inch in.

Su Han's figure swayed slightly, and immediately appeared in front of the magic crab general. With a sword, the three layers of artistic conception merged and turned into countless dots of starlight, and immediately smashed the body of the magic crab general.

After the demon crab's body collapsed and shattered, it exploded and turned into countless debris. The blood droplets contained the power of the law of water, and collapsed and flew away in all directions.

Warriors with blood drop rebirth series, as long as they can escape a drop of blood with a trace of primordial spirit, they can be reborn slowly in that long time.

After being forced into a desperate situation, many warriors who were reborn from a drop of blood would choose to explode their bodies, divide their souls into countless parts, attach themselves to their blood, and flee in all directions.

"Idiot! This move doesn't work for me!" Su Leng smiled coldly, the sword intent changed, a swallowing sword suddenly pierced out, and a sword light suddenly pierced out, turning into an endless black hole, covering the area .

Under the shroud of that terrifying devouring force, everything about the demon crab general's body and primordial spirit was swept into the black hole, frantically strangling.

"My lord, spare my life! My lord, spare my life! Let the little dog die! The little one is willing to be the master's lackey, so spare the little one!" God's life force was extremely tenacious, even though he was shrouded by the terrifying Devouring Sword Dao and kept cutting, he still didn't die, but let out an extremely shrill scream, begging bitterly.

Su Han's cultivation at this time is only at the seventh level of the immortal realm, and his comprehension of the power of law is still not enough for him to instantly kill a strong man who has been reborn from a drop of blood. Of course, if he used the sword of destruction, Su Han would be quite sure to injure him severely, or even kill the Demon Crab General directly.

The power of the sword of destruction is infinite, and its destructive power is extraordinary. But destroying the existence of Sword Dao Zhan, everything will disappear, which is extremely unfavorable for collecting spoils. Therefore, if it is not possible, Su Han is not willing to easily use the sword of destruction to kill the enemy.

With a thought in Su Han's mind, the Starlight Gate appeared, rolled towards the two black lotus magic circles and the magic crab general, and immediately dragged the two black lotus magic circles and the magic crab general into the Dongtian Pearl~www .wuxiaspot.com~Su Han glanced at the magic crab general, and said in a cold voice: "Open up your primordial spirit, let me set a restriction, otherwise, die!"

As soon as the devil crab escaped from the devouring sword, countless fragments, flesh, and bones immediately condensed together and were quickly reborn. It glanced around, trembled slightly in its heart, gritted its teeth, and manifested its primordial spirit above its head.

Su Han formed seals with both hands, and with a little finger, a corpse mark blooming with bright aura was immediately imprinted in the soul of the demon crab general.

As soon as the corpse mark was imprinted in the primordial spirit of the magic crab general, the life and death of the magic crab general fell into Su Han's control. As long as Su Han has a single thought, the demon crab will be shattered and turned into a demon corpse with blood dripping and rebirth.

With a flick of Su Han's fingers, a black lotus formation immediately burst open, and within the black lotus formation, the magic eel would immediately burst out from the black lotus formation, holding the magic eel battle halberd containing countless Lei Guang stabbed at Su Han.

Su Han stabbed out with a sword, and the four levels of artistic conception surged. Countless sword lights pierced out from the void around the demon eel, twisted hard, and immediately smashed the demon eel's body into pieces. (To be continued..)

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